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Megan POV

Megan walked nervously into the gym for her first basketball practice. She had always loved the sport and was able to get a scholarship. She wanted to focus on her passion for basketball to distract her from the sadness of leaving her old friends behind and Ashley rejecting her.

Megan's heart raced as she saw her new teammates, all skilled and experienced players. She felt overwhelmed but determined to prove herself. With a deep breath, she walked towards her coach to introduce herself.

As she was waiting for the drills to begin, she spotted a tall and athletic girl, Alexis, chatting with another player. She could tell from a distance that Alexis was a basketball player, maybe even a star. Megan's eyes followed her every move, admiring her grace and strength.

As practice began, Megan put all her focus and energy into improving her skills. She wanted to impress her coach and prove herself to her team. Alexis caught her eye a few times, and Megan felt a jolt of excitement every time their eyes met.

After practice, Megan was surprised when Alexis approached her. 'Hey, you did great today!' Alexis exclaimed, flashing a charming smile.

'Thanks, you too,' Megan replied.

'I'm Megan,' she said with a smile.

'Hey, I'm Alexis. Nice to meet you,' Alexis replied, returning her smile.

Alexis offered to stay after practice with Megan and help her perfect some techniques. Megan was surprised when Alexis offered to stay an extra hour and help her with her new techniques. As they worked together, Megan couldn't help but notice how supportive and patient Alexis was with her. She was a skilled player but never made Megan feel inferior. They bonded over their love for basketball and talked about their previous experiences on the court. Megan found herself opening up to Alexis and felt comfortable around her. Before they parted ways, Alexis asked Megan if she wanted to hang out sometime. Megan eagerly agreed, and they exchanged numbers.

As she made her way home from practice, Megan couldn't help but feel exhausted. She had given her all during practice, pushing herself to her limits. But deep down, she knew it was all worth it. She loved the thrill of being on the court, the sound of the crowd cheering her on, and the feeling of being part of a team.

As she walked through the campus, Megan noticed a group of students gathered around a bulletin board. Curiosity getting the best of her, she walked over to see what had caught their attention. To her surprise, it was an advertisement for an upcoming basketball tournament. Megan's heart skipped a beat as she read the details. The winners of the tournament would get the chance to play in the all star game.

Megan knew she had to be a part of it. She immediately went to her coach and expressed her interest. Her coach was hesitant at first, knowing how physically and mentally taxing the tournament would be. But after seeing the determination in Megan's eyes, she agreed to let her participate.

She quickly showered and changed into her comfortable pajamas before calling her best friend Lisa. As they chatted about their day, Megan couldn't contain her excitement any longer.

'Hey Lisa, guess what?' Megan exclaimed.

'What is it?' Lisa asked eagerly.

'I just signed up for a basketball tournament and if I win, I get to play in the all-star game!' Megan said, unable to contain her excitement.

'That's amazing, Megan!' Lisa exclaimed. 'You're going to crush it, I just know it!'

'I know, right? I have been dreaming of this moment since forever!' Megan replied, her voice filled with determination.

'When is it?' Lisa asked.

'It's in two weeks' Megan replied with a hint of nervousness in her voice.

'I guess I will see you in two weeks!' Lisa exclaimed, her voice full of pride.

'Wait really? ' Megan asked, surprised.

'Yes i wouldn't miss it for the world, just promise you will pick me up from the airport.' Lisa said.

'Of course,' Megan said excitedly. "Hey I have to go study but I will talk to you tomorrow. I have a lot of things we need to catch up on.'

'Okay talk to you later, I love you' Lisa said

'I love you too' Megan replied before they hung up the phone..

Megan smiled, feeling grateful to have such a supportive friend. She knew that Lisa would always be there for her, both on and off the court. Megan smiled, feeling grateful to have such a supportive friend. She knew that Lisa would always be there for her, both on and off the court.

Megan woke up to the sound of her phone buzzing on the bedside table. She groggily reached over and picked it up, squinting at the bright screen. It was a text from her new teammate, Alexis.

'Hey Megan, practice starts in an hour! Don't be late!' the message read.

She quickly got out of bed and started getting ready. She put on her favorite basketball shorts and jersey, lacing up her sneakers tightly. As she headed out the door, she couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement and nerves.

Megan arrived at the gym just in time for practice to start. She was greeted by the rest of the team, including Alexis, who gave her a warm smile. Megan couldn't help but feel a sense of relief, knowing that she had at least one friend on the team.

'Hey, thanks for the reminder,' Megan said with a grateful smile.

'No problem, we gotta stick together as teammates,' Alexis replied, giving her a friendly fist bump.

As practice began, Megan's nerves started to fade away. She was in her element on the court, dribbling and shooting with ease. Her coaches and teammates were impressed by her skills and dedication. Megan couldn't help but feel proud of herself.

After practice, the team gathered in the locker room. As they were changing, Alexis turned to Megan and said, 'You did great today, Megan. You're going to be a valuable asset to the team.'

Megan felt a sense of pride and belonging wash over her. She had found a new family in her teammates, and she was grateful for the opportunity to continue playing the sport she loved at the college level.

Megan and Alexis headed to the cafeteria for breakfast. As they sat down to eat, Alexis asked Megan about her background in basketball. Megan told her about growing up playing in her small hometown and how she had always dreamt of playing at the college level. Alexis shared her own story, and Megan was amazed by her determination and passion for the sport. Megan felt grateful to have found a friend like Alexis, who shared her passion for the sport.

As they parted ways to go to their separate classes, Megan couldn't help but feel excited for the rest of her college journey. She had already made a new friend and found a new team to play with. She couldn't wait to see what other opportunities and challenges college had in store for her.

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