Years after the war *Requested*

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Sorry this took forever I'm slowly getting motivation so updates may be slow but I promise it'll get out. So those requested ones if they don't get out for a bit I'm trying my best 😂,
Life y'know? But I'm still posting don't worry.  If you have any questions ask away because I love to help you all understand if you get confused. Also feel free to throw out any ideas cause I'll put it on the list. I need all the ideas that can help (I'm brain dead 😂) idk where to start with some stories.

This was requested by @kru_killer

The war is over, the league of villains went into hiding and no one has heard from them since, which is good as the crime rate has dropped by a ton.

Class 1a, which is what they were originally, are now in their 20's. A lot of time has passed with the Todorki's and learning that dabi was touya todorki. Though he's never spoken of, yet shoto is still curious about his older brother.


Today the original 'deku squad' they call themselves decided to go out to this new bar, well not all of them came willingly. They had to practically bribe iida to come and just dragged shoto with them, yet shoto still allowed them to drag him there.

So now here they were, and there was shoto. Seeming to lose where they went.

Shoto just sighed as he glanced around but failed to find where the group went. He knew iida was with them, hopefully, so at least they would all be fine if they got wasted in drinks, which was bound to happen.

Yet shoto wasn't very fond of drinking so he just glanced around the large bar and settled on a seat at the bar. The bartender asked what shoto wanted and he said that just a water was fine. Shoto got his water and slowly sipped it as he just sat there in his thoughts. Though he wasn't thinking of anything inparticular, he mind kept going back to the lov.

They seemed to disappear years ago after the war and no signs have been shown of them still alive or dead. Yet one thing that's certain is that there are no crimes that have gave a direct lead that it was the lov. So as shoto sat in his thoughts while his hand rested over his glass of water that was partially drank, out of the corner of his eyes he noticed a hooded man take the seat beside him.

Shoto had seated himself near the far corner so the hooded man had sat on the rarest seat. Shoto glanced over them back at the bar top as the bartender came back over and asked the hooded man what he wished to drink. Shoto, a bit suspicious of the man, listened and heard that he just ordered a shot of wine. Shoto had his suspicions of this man as the bartender looked slightly nervous so shoto kept glancing at the man out of the corner of his eye, though thinking it went unnoticed.

The hooded man got his shot from the bartender and chugged it down as he rested his fingers on the glass as it barely touched the outer sides. "I know you're suspicious of me, and suspicious you should be" the hooded man spoke, as he slowly turned his head to face shoto. Shoto's eyes widened upon seeing who this hooded man was.

Dabi, or should I say, Touya Todoroki.

"Touya.." shoto mumbled under his breath as dabi rested his head in his hand. "Yep it's me, long time no see huh?" Dabi teased as shoto sat there shocked and surprised. He wasn't sure how to react as dabi ordered another shot. Dabi thanked the bartender and turned back to shoto with a smirk of amusement. "Why are you so surprised, shoto?" Dabi teased as shoto came back from his surprise and said, "well what do you think? You disappear for years and become dabi, and then after the war you disappear again then reaper at a bar" shoto said in a slightly sarcastic tone, while in a slightly annoyed tone yet just stating the obvious.

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