Story 33

144 6 1

Shoto was stuck in the dorms. It had snowed and he was now snowed in.

Shoto pov

I'm sitting on the sofa in the common room. I huddled myself in blankets. It was cold out and I was also, out of all the times, sick.

We were out of medicine so I was left with my fever and runny nose until I could get out of the dorms.

I've also been sneezing a lot so that was another thing.

Dabi pov

"I heard endeavor's kid is stuck in the dorms, and also he is apparently sick" shigaraki said. "Since you are so in love with him why not go help him and hang eh?" Twice said. I frowned at them but kurigurl just gave me a bag and sent me through one of his portals.

I landed in the dormitories and saw it was very cold. I heard coffing and I got up and looked to the direction that it came from. It was shoto there on the couch. I got up and walked over. I saw he was asleep so i felt shoto's forehead and yep, he was burning up.

I picked him up in bridal style and used my quirk to heat him up. I carried him to where his dorm was,

(the traitor gave a map of the dorms)

I opened the door and walked in seeing it was extremely cold. 'is the power out or something?' I thought as I saw shoto cuddle onto me getting my warmth.

I frowned at how cold it was so I placed him on the bed and he cuddled himself up trying to get the warmth back. I took my shoes and coat off and got in the bed with him and wrapped my arm around him so he could have the heat back. He pulled me close bunching his hands in my shirt.

I needed to get him something for his fever so I heated up a random blanket in his room and covered him for now and went to retrieve a cold compress and medicine for later.


Shoto pov

I woke up back in my bedroom staring up at the ceiling. I wasn't sure how I got there but I felt warmer than earlier when I was cold. I then realized I had a weight on my chest so I looked down and my eyes widened in surprise.


Dabi was laying on my chest with his arms wrapped around my back and my hands were around his neck apparently.

I looked around my room looking for a clue as to why Dabi was here and I saw a medicine box on my nightstand. My eyes widened in surprise. 'was he helping with my fever?'

I wanted to get up but I was really comfy. "You need to take your medicine for your fever, sho" dabi said looking up at me. "Why are you helping me?" I asked curious. "Why not?" Dabi said shrugging.


"Here use these, it'll keep you warmer" dabi said handing me a pair of my jeens and T-shirt then a sweatshirt unfamiliar to me.

I got dressed into them and went out seeing dabi making some food. "Did the heating go out?" Dabi asked me. "Yeah.." I said as dabi nodded putting the scrambled eggs on a plate. "Here, you need to eat something" dabi said handing it to me.

I was still warry of him being here but I ate the food. Dabi just seemed to smiled and feel my forehead every now and then.

"How are you feeling?" Dabi asked me at one point while he made some chicken noodle soup for lunch. "Hmm, tired and weak" I answered as I slowly started eating.

I had been laying on the couch most of the time anyway so it makes sense.

Dabi nodded at my response and said "do you know how long until the heating is fixed?" He asked me as I shrugged. He sighed and glanced at me with worried eyes.


Dabi pov

Shoto was sitting on the couch when suddenly he stood up and dashed to where the bathrooms were. I feared what could have happened, and I followed shoto.

I came to the open door to see him puking into the toilet. "Oh sho.." I said walking over to him and kneeling beside him. I moved the hair from the front of his hair and put it up with a hair tie I had.

I rubbed shoto's back gently as he glanced up at me with a weak smile. I gave him a warm smile back feeling bad for him. I gave him a wipe and he wiped his mouth and moved it to the side.


After about 10 minutes later he was still shaky and he leaned against me. I hummed a sweet melody for him as I gently stroked his hair as we sat on the bathroom floor.

I felt my face give a slight tint of pink but I just worried about how shoto was. Shoto smiled and said to me "regardless of you being a villain, thanks for being here right now" shoto said as I smiled.

"You think you'll be okay from the puking?" I asked shoto who nodded. "Can I carry you to your room?" I asked him as he just said "that's fine"

I picked him up bridal style and carried him out of the hall bathroom and to his dorm room.


Shoto wanted me to stay since it was freezing and I was warm due to my quirk. Shoto snuggled into my chest smiling at the warmth. I wrapped my arms around his waist and placed my head on his.

About 3-4 days later

3rd pov

Shoto was now feeling better and his fever had been gone for a day and a half. Dabi and shoto were hanging in shoto's dorm when the heater kicked in and shoto heard the chat start back up.

Shoto read that they would be back at the dorms any minute and hoped that shoto was better.

Dabi noticed knowing that he'd have to go back to the base so he wouldn't be caught.

It was silence for a moment until dabi felt soft lips on his. Dabi was surprised by shoto suddenly kissing him. Dabi kissed back and a moment later shoto and dabi broke apart the kiss.

"Will I get sick from this?" Dabi said teasingly. "I was thanking you for helping but nevermind" shoto said messing with dabi.

Dabi just chuckled and hugged shoto. "Well now I have to go so bye shoto!" Dabi said kissing shoto on the cheek backing up to the portal. "maybe next time we meet you won't be sick" dabi said teasingly as shoto shook his head playfully both of them having a smile on their face.

1141 words

The end.

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