"hey, princess~"

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Just saying...this is a VERY long oneshots. 5733 words

Read when you have time lol

Genderbread au.

(Shoto does not know dabi is touya)

Shoto was in a fight with the villain Dabi. She was running out of breath and she was concerned in an alley. The worst part was that it was dark out and past curfew so it was dark enough to where the two girls wouldn't be seen fighting if their fire didn't give them away. Shoto's heart raced as her long hair stuck to her due to her sweating. Dabi just smirked and put a hand on her hip. "What's wrong, princess~?" Dabi teased raising an eyebrow as his smirk just grew, "Daddy's girl too weak to defeat me?" Dabi teased about how he was her father's 'masterpiece'

 "What's wrong, princess~?" Dabi teased raising an eyebrow as his smirk just grew, "Daddy's girl too weak to defeat me?" Dabi teased about how he was her father's 'masterpiece'

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(I just realized I did shoto's flames side wrong 🥲, just roll with it 😂😭)

(I got bored so I made Fanart to represent it)
(I can't draw hands btw lol, nor do I draw girls often so don't mind it)

Shoto just glared at the older girl as dabi smirked as she raised an eyebrow seeing what she'd do. Shoto put a hand against the brick wall behind her as she tried to support her balance. Her glare stayed as neither of them were moving closer nor farther. "Don't move any closer" shoto aked in a shaky breath as she was out of air and was exhausted from the fight. Her flames were dyed down and she looked back to dabi who had a big ass smirk. "Feeling tired there, princess?" Dabi asked as she continued to smirk. Shoto just gritted her teeth as she ignited her flames and was about to send her flames at dabi when she saw dabi ignite her flames in one hand.

"Y'know my flames are much stronger and hotter than yours. Did you know that, princess?" Dabi said raising an eyebrow as shoto let her flames dye down as she knew she couldn't do any attacks or dodge with the state she was in. As well as dabi blocking the only exit. Dabi noticed shoto glancing at the exit to the alley behind her and glanced there then back at shoto. "I'll cut you a deal, princess" dabi began with a smirk still on her face. Shoto glanced over at dabi and let herself rest against the wall. "what's the deal?" Shoto said shooting a glare back at dabi making sure she didn't try anything.

Dabi smirked and she let her hand fall from her hip and she started to walk towards shoto. Shoto out her hand up as in a warning and dabi put her hands up halfway showing she wasn't planning on doing anything. "Just say what the deal is from over there" shoto growled out, "fine, I'll say it from here" dabi said as her smirk came back, "I'll let you go free and I won't hurt you.." dabi began as shoto waited for the but or if, "but only if you let me take you back to my place and treat your wounds" dabi said as shoto's eyed widened in surprise then she glared clearly expecting this 'deal' to be a trap.

"Why should I trust you on that?" Shoto said her glare still standing, locked onto Dabi's eyes. Dabi just smirked and shurgged innocently, "fine, don't trust me. I don't promise that you'll make it out unharmed though" dabi said with a smirk as she gestured to her hand as blue flames if ignited. Shoto panicked and in the moment pushed herself off the wall and said, "W-wait!" Dabi glanced back at the panicked girl who was clearly in no state to be fighting or dodging. Dabi raised an eyebrow and let her flames disappear, "yes? What is it, princess?" Dabi asked as her smirk came back.

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