Story 44

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It was after touya todorki revealed himself as dabi.

It had been a week and everyone had toned down for a moment.

Shoto had his hood up as he walked down the sidewalk. The night sky, and the breeze blowing his hair. The street lights led his path.

Suddenly shoto felt someone grab his arm and pull him into an alleyway. Shoto was put against a wall and shoto grunted in pain as I opened his eyes to see who grabbed him.

He opened his eyes to see him

"Touya?!" Shoto asked to touya who was pinning him with one arm. Touya had a cold stare painted on his face and had one arm just sitting in his jeans pocket.

Touya just stayed silent as shoto was quite confused. Though touya tried to kill him in their past battle, or should I say 'hug'. Touya just pulled his other hand out and held shoto's chin lightly.

Touya stared deep into shoto's eyes and his stare softened. Touya just sighed and pulled shoto into a hug. It was a meaningful hug and shoto hugged back seeing this was genuine.

They stayed like that for a while. Touya didn't know what to say or do, but he was really enjoying the comfort of this hug. Touya eventually pulled from the hug, but almost immediately wrapped his arms around shoto's waist and pulled him against his chest.

Shoto was now confused but was happy touya wasn't trying to kill him. Touya rested his head on shoto's as shoto just gave a small smile enjoying this moment with his brother.


Touya let his hands fall from shoto's waist and he asked, "hey, sho, wanna go get some ice cream?" Shoto just smiled not caring for the sudden change of touya.

Though touya was always like that. He always cared for shoto, but revenge for their father led for him to grow hatred. That all vanished when he hugged shoto.

Touya pulled his hood and mask up as he held shoto's hand, interlocking them, as they walked. No one was out at night since the war. Though heroes were patrolling so dabi still had to hide himself.

They passed the ice cream parlor and saw it was closed. Touya frowned at the store, "well, to the 24/7 store we go!" Touya said in a goofy way as shoto chuckled slightly as they continued walking.

As touya and shoto walked touya let down his cover and just chatted with shoto like when they were kids.

(No, He didn't literally take his mask off)

Shoto's smile was now showing as he and touya chatted back and forth like they and been talking forever. They made it to the 24/7 store and shoto and touya walked in. Touya knew exactly where the ice cream was so he led shoto to that ille. Touya looked over at shoto and asked, "you still like [_____]?" He had a grin on his face as shoto nodded, "yep, the same one from childhood" shoto said as dabi smiled and grabbed it. "It's also my favorite now" dabi said chuckling slightly as shoto nodded along his smile only growing.

After they paid and left touya led them to the woods. They reached an old tree that had a little hut in it. Shoto raised an eyebrow and touya said, "I found it one day, though it was abandoned, but I patched it up!" Touya gestured towards it and climbed up the little bricks in the tree. He climbed up then helped Shoto, who had the bag with the ice cream.

Shoto got up there and saw there was a bean bag and little things sprawled everywhere. "C'mon!" Touya said pulling shoto over to the small mattress in the corner.

Touya pulled out the plastic spoon pack he had bought there and shoto opened the ice cream. "now ain't this a cool way to hang with your big brother?" Touya asked with a teasy smirk as shoto just shook his head slightly. "You did have a big change of heart I see" shoto joked as touya laughed. "Yeah, though now I get to hang with you!!" Touya said as he slung an arm around shoto's shoulder and laid on his shoulder. Shoto chuckled slightly and touya scooted right next to shoto as they dug into the ice cream.

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