Story 31 *requested*

173 4 1

Thank you for this requested idea @kru_killer

This is a high school au!

3rd pov

So I've never been to a highschool party or anything like that so I'ma do it how I think and use American preferences btw.


Dabi and shoto had been friends for some time now, despite dabi being a few grades higher, the highschool they attended decided to throw a party for the whole school.

"Toga did you come to help me or just watch me struggle?" Shoto asked his friend who was sitting on shoto's desk chair. "Well do you want the master of style to help?" Toga said raising an eyebrow. Shoto face palmed at her comment and toga got up and walked over to her friend. "Have you ever been to a school party even?" She asked shoto who just looked at her. "Did you forget who my father is?" Shoto said.

Enji never let shoto go to parties. (that wasn't one he hosted or smth) enji said that they were a waste of time, but thanks to fuyumi pursaideing her father, since he was trying to be better, he let him go.

"No, no, no" toga said going through shoto's closet section of tuxedos. "Do you have anything?!" She asked shoto who shrugged. "Cmon we're gonna ask your brother if we can borrow one" toga said dragging shoto out his bedroom door and down the hall.


"Why do I need to look this fancy?" Shoto asked toga as she had him try on outfits. "you wanna impress dabi don't you?" She said plainly making shoto blush. "How do you know about that!!" Shoto said knowing he hasn't told anyone. "You're so obvious about it" toga said now laughing cause of shoto's reaction.

"I am?" Shoto questioned now blushing even more.

"Now cmon this looks nice, let's get your obvious self to that dang party so I can dance with ochacco!!" Toga said pulling shoto out of the room now. "Yeah, yeah, alright" shoto said stopping toga and walking himself.


When the two of them got there it was full of people from all grades in the school. Toga looked excitedly around the place until she spotted the group.

Toga, again, pulled shoto over there as shoto just frowned as he was now used to this today.

When they got over there tomura was just standing around awkwardly. Uraraka blushed seeing toga and tried to cover her face. Toga smiled sweetly and walked over to uraraka.

"Who are you here with?" Shoto asked tomura who just shrugged glancing away. "Anyway where's the others?" Shoto asked tomura who directed his attention back to shoto. "They said they'd be here soon, dabi said getting Jin (twice) to decide an outfit was a hassle" tomura said knowing this happens a lot.

"Oh hello cutie" an older teen said approaching shoto and tomura. His attention was directed at shoto and tomura just frowned knowing dabi would be here soon. Shoto just said "hello" he was very uncomfortable and noticed tomura didn't like the teen's presence either.

"May I have this dance with you~?" The older teen asked but shoto shook his head no. "Sorry, I already have someone that's coming" shoto said making up a lie.

(Shoto and dabi have a crush on each other but they are both clueless the other likes them back)

"Hmm, where are they then?" The teen asked. "I just said they're coming" shoto said repeating the end of his sentence. "And as I said you will have this dance with me" the teen said now being demanding.

Tomura was now annoyed at the older teen and said "If I were you I'd leave him alone or you're gonna have your a[_]s kicked by his date" tomura said. Shoto looked confused at tomura but tomura. Tomura knew they both liked each other, and that dabi was gonna be annoyed since he's bothering shoto.

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