Story 34

136 5 4

Dabi POV

I was on a video call with my little brother. I revealed myself to my family but still it felt weird.

I don't feel the same family love that I did when I was 5.

Shoto and I were just randomly chatting while I played paper Mario on my Nintendo switch. I glanced over at my phone that was propped up beside me and noticed shoto had fallen asleep. He had his phone propped up on the beside table and he must have fallen asleep. I paused my game and quickly snapped a screen shot.

I smiled and went back to my game keeping the video call on. I guess I sorta felt the sibling love with Natsou and Fuyumi... but shoto..?

I stopped my game for the moment and pondered that question. I never really knew shoto when I was young. "....." I glanced at shoto and my eyes widened in surprise. 'i love shoto'

I mean it all makes sense. I let him lay on my shoulder more than I do anyone, and my heart always flutters whenever shoto smiles. I also hug him a lot and want to hang with him all the time. I felt my face burn up realizing.

I glanced at shoto on the video call and smiled. I sighed and leaned back on my beanbag.

"What am I gonna do.." I said putting my hand through my hair.


"Glad ya could come sho!" I said. Shoto had asked for some tips on baking since I knew a lot of it. Shoto nodded and smiled. My heart fluttered again seeing his cute smile.

I led him to the kitchen and got some supplies out to make cookies.


"Hey touya can you help me with the amount of milk?" shoto said. I glanced over to him and walked back from the pantry, as I was looking for chocolate chips. "Yeah sorry about that toga is borrowing my measuring cup" I said to him leaning over his shoulder. "Here I'll help you" I said placing my hand on his and gently pouring the milk.

Shoto pov

I purposely asked touya for help with baking so I could figure out my feelings. You see I've had these feelings with touya that I don't anyone else. Touya letting me rest my head on his shoulder and the more physical touch we have had made me realize..

Im in love with touya

Touya helping me pour the right amount of milk made me blush as his head peered over my shoulder and his hand resting on mine.


Me and touya were now sitting on the couch watching TV while the cookies cooled. I glanced at touya who was sitting next to me clearly not paying attention to the tv.

I slipped my hand into his interlocking them. I smiled at it and rested my head on his shoulder.

I just closed my eyes my mind wandering elsewhere. Surprisingly my mind went to when I walked in on touya changing his shirt. I remember my face burning up and me quickly apologizing while leaving.

I came out of my thoughts and glanced at touya who had wrapped an arm around my shoulder pulling me close.

I snuggled into him as the TV played. We just rested there in each other's presence.

3rd pov

Both dabi and shoto didn't know how to hide their feelings from the other so they just expressed it as sibling love.


The two are cookies and shoto was eating a cookie and it was hanging from his mouth. Dabi saw this and leaned over taking the rest of the cookie from shoto, their lips slightly brushing against each other.

Shoto blushed as dabi smiled trying to hide his blush.

Dabi then went to eat the cookie and placed it in his mouth. Shoto, wanting to do what dabi did, moved and ate the other half off the cookie from hanging out of dabi's mouth. This time their lips seemingly touched.

Dabi and shoto both blushed as shoto ate the cookie.

Shoto, wanting his lips to touch dabi's again, placed the cookie in his mouth purposely not biting the half off. Dabi, also wanting to touch shoto's lips again, bit the half off the cookie off letting his lips touch shoto's.


This went on for a bit until they realized that they ate all the cookies. "Wow, we ate all the cookies" shoto said slightly upset that they were all gone. Dabi stayed silent. He thought of everything that just happened and came to a conclusion that shoto liked him back.

Shoto glanced over at dabi who he thought was in his thoughts. "Touy-" shoto started but was cut off by dabi pushing his lips onto shoto's, kissing shoto.

Shoto was surprised for a moment but kissed back. Dabi broke apart for a split second but kissed shoto again, his hands on either side of shoto. Shoto wrapped his arms around dabi's neck as the two shared kisses.

Dabi and shoto were blushing madly as they kissed again and again.


When the two finally stopped kissing about 10 minutes later, and they were panting trying to catch their breath.

"Th-that was awesome" shoto mumbled. "G-good to know" dabi replied.

"Heh, and here I was thinking I'd never get to kiss you" dabi also said smiling. Shoto smiled back and hugged touya.

"Well you did get to kiss me" shoto said as dabi and him smiled despite their red faces.

915 words

The end

?? Was that okay 😅 idk

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