20 - Jack O'Malley

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I had lost track of time of how long it had been since Steve had been back, but I couldn't stop thinking about him. I knew he didn't remember me, and I knew our lives were over, but I couldn't get all of our times out of my head.

I was sitting at my desk one day after school looking at a picture of Steve and I went there was a knock on my door. I looked up and saw a man standing there, I had seen him before around the school.

"Ms. Petton?" He asked.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Hi, sorry I have been meaning to come introduce myself but this week is crazy. My name is Jack O'Malley. I'm the new first grade teacher." He said and I smiled as I got up. We walked towards each other and I smiled shaking his hand.

"Oh right, I heard we filled the position. Sorry I have been running out of here practically with the bell this past week." I said and he shook his head as our hands released.

"No problem, I figured it was something important." He said and I shrugged.

"It was, maybe still is but I don't really know."

I had been running out and rushing home praying Steve would have a memory of me again. I was becoming less and less hopeful as the days passed.

"Well...like I said. I just wanted to introduce myself and meet the amazing kindergarten teacher everyone is talking about." Jack said, which caused me to laugh.

"Well whoever has told you that lied." I huffed.

"Then everyone here lies and I should think of a new school to work at." Jack said and I sighed shaking my head with a small smile.

I started packing everything up and sighed. I knew what I was about to do was forward since I knew nothing about this man.

"I was just getting ready to head out. Would you like to go get a drink? Get to know each other a little more?" I asked and he smiled.

"Yeah, I would like that." He smiled. "Meet at Hannigan's?" He asked mentioning the local bar.

"Yeah. Say at about 6? We can get some burgers as well." I said and he nodded.

"Sounds great." He said. "May I walk you to your car?"

"Of course." I said as we walked out of my room and headed to the parking lot.

"Alright see you at 6." Jack said as we reached my car after walking in silence.

"See you." I said as I got in my car. I rushed home so I could change into a pair of jeans and a purple and black striped tank top. I smiled at my appearance and as I walked to my dresser to get some earrings to wear from my Jewelry box I noticed the picture of Steve and me. I stopped and looked at it. It was a selfie we took in the treehouse that I had printed out the minute we got back. Before everything went to shit. I was sitting in his lap on the couch as he held me close with one arm and held the phone out to take the picture of us, faces cheek to cheek and smiles on our faces like nothing would break us apart. We didn't plan on Ross.

I sighed, grabbed my earrings and headed out of my room. I couldn't think about Steve anymore, he wasn't mine, he wasn't my dream and he wasn't my future anymore.


I arrived at Hannigan's and I walked in seeing Jack already at the bar. Sitting and nursing a bottle of bear. I looked at my watch and noticed I was right in time, when did he get here.

"Hey, looks like you ahead start." I said sitting down and pointing at the beer bottle and he chuckled.

"No, I got here like 5 minutes ago and quickly ordered since he wasn't busy."

I just nodded as the bartender gave me an index finger motion, telling me one minute. I grabbed a food menu and handed it to Jack.

"You can make your own assumptions but the cheeseburgers are amazing." I said and put the menu back where I got it from.

"I trust you Starla." Jack winked and I felt a small blush rise on my cheeks. The bartender walked over, I ordered my drink, a gin and tonic as well as ordering our burgers.

"So where did you come from?" I asked causing Jack and I to laugh at the wording. "What I mean is, what school did you come from?" I restated.

"Well I was living in Boston and working at an elementary school there but I needed a change, lead me to moving away, just getting away from it all and found this job opening." Jack said and I smiled.

"Well New York is very past paced. I hope you can keep up." I said and he chuckled.

"I think I can deal with it." Jack said as I took a sip of my drink. "So how long have you been a teacher at the school?" Jack asked.

"Um...almost 5 years. It's been amazing." I smiled.

We were silent for a few minutes when I heard the voice come up behind me.

"Funny the people you will run into." I smiled and turned to see Nat.

"Hey!" I squealed and hugged her. I hadn't seen or talked to anyone since leaving the compound that day.

Nat looked at Jack as we hugged and then when we broke apart I looked passed her and saw Bucky, Wanda and someone else sitting with them at a table.

"We've missed seeing you around." Nat said and I gave a sad smile.

"I just can't Nat..."

"You were friends with a lot of us Starla. You don't have to stop coming just because -..."

"Yeah I did. I couldn't be around the compound and see him." I said. I then realized I was being rude. "Oh yeah Nat, I would like you to meet Jack O'Malley. He is a new teacher at the school. Jack this is Natasha Romanoff." I said and they shook hands.

"Nice to meet you." Jack said.

"Likewise." Nat said. She looked between the two of us. "Can we talk later though? Me and you?" Nat asked and I nodded.

"Coffee tomorrow? 11am?" I asked and she nodded.

"Sounds good. See you tomorrow." Nat said and I gave her another small hug and then sat back down on the barstool.

"Friends of yours I take it?" Jack said and I nodded. He was looking past me to the table of people still watching me.

"Yeah, I met them when I...I met them through someone." I said figuring out how to mention it.

"Who? Captain America?!" Jack sarcastically asked. I knew he noticed Nat and Bucky from Avengers work.

"Actually yeah..." I said.

Jack wasn't sure what to say but he got save as our food was delivered, which I was grateful since it ended any further question about Steve. We started eating in silence and I kept sneaking glances at Nat.

She wanted to talk? Why? Was Steve okay? Did he remember something? I had been a shitty friend to her as well so that could also be why.

As Jack and I finished eating and our drinks he walked me to my car and I smiled.

"I had a great time tonight." I said and he smiled.

"Me too." He said and I felt him slyly take ahold on my one hand and I looked to see our finger intertwined but I could help but compare it to how it didn't fit like Steve's did. "I would really like to take you out again Starla." Jack said and I just gave a small smile.

"Can I maybe get back you on that. It's not that I wouldn't want to. It's just somethings in my life are a little complicated." I said and he just gave a small smile. He lifted my hand to his lips and lightly kissed my knuckles.

"You tell me when you're ready." Jack said and I smiled.

"Thank you Jack." I said. "Good night." I pulled my hand from his and got in my car. He walked away once I started it up and I quickly headed home.

Once I got home I got changed into some pajamas and laid in bed to watch some tv. I pulled my knees to my chest, placing my forehead on my knees and just started crying.

I missed Steve and he would never know how much. 

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