9 - Wanda Takes a Look

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Steve and I walked down to the kitchen to find Bucky, Nat and Wanda sitting there having breakfast and I gave everyone a small smile.

"Well, you two are getting a late start today..." Bucky said.

"Bucky." Steve grumbled. Bucky looked at his best friend. "Shut up." Steve continued.

"You want me to make you something?" I asked Steve and he shook his head, grabbing an apple and I groaned.

"It's just food Steve..." I said and he sighed.

"I just don't want anything." Steve said.

"So, coming down here to have breakfast was pointless." I snapped.

We then remembered we weren't alone. I knew Steve was in a mood from upstairs, but he was not good at not showing his emotions. I just got in the fridge and got out a yogurt. I sat at the table next to Nat and Steve groaned.

"Can't sit next to me?" Steve asked.

"Don't know what crosses the line anymore." I said and he groaned.

"What the hell is going on?" Nat asked and I sighed.

"Wanda and I talked, and she is wanting to look into mine and Starla's mind to see the dreams. We need to know if we ever knew each other before or if we were just destined to be together." Steve said and Nat sighed.

"So do it, end this between the two of you." Bucky said and I sighed looking at Steve.

"Finish your apple, I'll finish my yogurt. Then will you be ready Wanda?" I asked and she nodded sitting at the table with us.

"Yeah of course." Wanda said and smiled at me.

"What else is happening here though? You guys seem tense." Bucky said and I sighed.

"Just need to see what the mind says." Steve said and got up from the table finishing the apple. I finished my yogurt around the same time. We both looked at Wanda.

"Why don't we go somewhere private to do this..." Wanda said standing up and I nodded looking at Steve.

"You want to do this in the room?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah, it's the most private." Steve said. We all walked up to Steve's room.

I instantly got nervous once we were inside since I didn't know what was going to happen.

"Is this going to hurt?" I asked. Steve took my hand as we sat at the foot of his bed. We looked at Wanda standing in front of him.

"It may cause a slight headache, but aspirin will help." Wanda said and I nodded.

"What do we need to do Wanda?" Steve asked.

"Well, I first need to know what I'm looking for." Wanda said.

"We need to know if we go off course from these dreams, will detour the whole relationship? We don't know if we will mess up some sort to timeline." I said and Wanda nodded.

"Also need to know since we have this connection if we knew each other some other time or something." Steve said and I also nodded.

"I will see what I can find out. Just clear your minds." Wanda said and I nodded, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath as Steve did the same thing. Wanda placed her hands next to our heads and I instantly felt Wanda reading my mind and going through the dreams and then everything went blank, I tried not to panic.

"Okay, I did something." Wanda said and we both opened our eyes and looked at her.

"What happened?" Steve asked, the same happening in his brain as well.

"Okay well you both were concentrating too much on the dreams instead of just letting nature take its course. You both need to just go with the flow, go with whatever seems right. I blocked the dreams. Sure, you will remember them and how they were, but they were blocked so you can't worry about order. Do what feels right." Wanda said. Steve and I smiled at her and then at each other.

"Was there any connection?" Steve asked and she shook her head.

"None that I could find. It likes like you were just destined to be together and fate intersected sending you the signs." Wanda said.

"Thank you, Wanda. That will help a lot." I said and she nodded. I then started to slightly rub my temples. Steve got up and went to his nightstand grabbing the aspirin. I took two and took a drink of water he also brought me.

"Thanks Wanda." Steve said and she walked out of the room. I looked at Steve.

"You really okay with what she did?" I asked and Steve nodded.

"I am. I think us not really having a time frame or trying to live up to dates or timeframe will be better for us. We need to date like a normal couple." Steve said and I nodded.

"Are we normal though?" I asked and we both laughed.

"Well, you are, it's clear I'm not." Steve said and I laughed and placed my head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of my head.

"I also think I should go back home." I said and Steve sighed.

"You haven't liked staying here?" Steve asked and I smiled.

"I have, you know I have but if we both want to get away from any temptation or take this at our own pace, I think me going back to my own house would be the best. I will just go about my life. Work and everything. You ask me to go out whenever you're in town or whenever you're free. We date like a normal couple." I said and Steve nodded.

"I think that's a good idea. I don't want stipulations on timeline anymore. I just want to be with you." Steve said. I looked up at him and he passionately kissed me. The kiss started to get deeper, and Steve laid me down on the bed as his lips moved to my neck.

"Steve..." I said and he growled but nipped at my neck. He moved his face over mine.

"No timeline. I'm making out with my girlfriend, on my bed, in my room. Think you can handle that?" Steve asked being commanding and I had to admit I felt a sudden pooling my legs at that.

"It's perfectly fine...captain." I said and he growled crashing his lips to mine. 

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