4 - Destiny

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A few days later I was releasing the kids at the end of the day, and someone walked into my room. I looked and saw Steve standing there.

"Captain Rogers...what can I do for you?" I asked and he groaned.

"Starla, please give me a chance to explain the other day." Steve said and I groaned.

"You got back together with the blonde." I said.

"No, I told her there was no chance for her and me anymore. I met you Starla...you are all that matters to me." Steve said. I watched him walk towards me and soon he was standing right in front of me, taking ahold of my hands.

"Steve..." I said and he shook his head.

"No Starla, I had a dream last night. It was this exact moment when I had to come back and get you back." Steve said and I nodded in agreement.

"Me too." I meekly said.

"After you left me the other day, I didn't have your number or anything. I wanted to call you sooner, but I was called away on a mission." Steve said and I sighed hanging my head with a small laugh.

"Yeah, well with what I thought and her saying what she said I didn't see a point in exchanging numbers. I thought it was all over." I said and Steve nodded.

"It wasn't over for us Starla, you're my dream girl. As far as I can tell I want to see where this can go." Steve said and I laughed.

"I would like that too." I said and he sighed a sigh of contentment.

"Starla, would you like to go out tonight?" Steve asked.

"Tonight?" I asked and he laughed but nodded.

"I know, not much time to get ready but I don't want to wait." Steve said and then I smiled.

"Our first date...now are we following the dreams because I remember what the dream was for our first date." I said and Steve huffed a laugh with a small nod.

"I can change it if you want..." Steve said and I shook my head.

"No, I think it's perfect. We can walk and talk. Really get to know each other." I said and Steve nodded.

"Great, so can I pick you up?" Steve asked and I nodded.

"Yeah sure. Give me your phone and I will give you my number and get yours." I said and Steve nodded handing me his phone. After putting in my number and texting myself I gave him back the phone.

"Certain time I should be ready tonight?" I asked.

"6pm?" Steve asked and I nodded.

"Sounds perfect. We should really get out of here." I said.

" Walk me to my car? I mean there might be an alien attack or something going on." Steve said. I laughed as I gathered up my stuff. Once I had everything Steve extended his arm to me, and I linked my arm in his. We walked out of the school and to my car. Once we reached the car Steve opened the car door for me. I pulled my phone out and sent Steve a text.

"So, I just sent you my address and I expect you to be at my place at 6pm." I said and he nodded.

"And you're sure that date is okay?" Steve asked and I nodded.

"It'll be perfect." I said and Steve smiled.

"Okay, I'll see you soon." Steve said leaning in and kissing my cheek. I got in the car and headed home with a huge smile on my face.

As I arrived home, I quickly went to my room to start planning out my outfit for the night and getting ready. Already seeing this date and knowing what it would be made it easy to pick out an outfit. I grabbed a pair of black jeans, a red V-neck t-shirt and a black jean jacket. I placed my hair in a side braid and touched up my make-up to look for more of a night out then a day at school. I finished getting ready, checked myself over in the mirror and smiled. I walked down to my couch and sat waiting for Steve to show up. I heard a motorcycle pull up outside.

"Did he really drive a motorcycle? Thank god I wore pants." I whispered to myself with a small laugh. He knocked and I waited a few seconds to not seem too eager. I smiled when I opened the door and saw him standing there in blue jeans, a grey t-shirt and brown leather jacket.

"Hey." I said smiling.

"Hey, ready to go?" Steve asked and I nodded. "Probably should have asked this earlier but are you okay with taking the bike?" Steve asked pointing to the motorcycle, and I nodded.

"Of course." I said and Steve smiled. He took my hand, and we headed down to the bike both getting on.

"You may want to hold on Starla." Steve said and I laughed as I wrapped my arms around his midsection holding on. I couldn't help but feel the muscles on his abdomen as I held on, making me hold on a little tighter. We got to our destination and parked the bike. I smiled as I heard the carnival games, music and people screaming on the rides.

"Coney Island, always fun." I said and Steve laughed taking my hand as we walked to the front to get in. I went to pay my admission and Steve shook his head.

"I think not, this is a date, right?" Steve asked and I smiled at him. He paid for us to get in and bought some tickets which I knew he would be playing games.

"Is it fair if a super soldier plays the games?" I asked as Steve took my hand and he laughed.

"Well not sure but I guess we'll see what happens." Steve said and I smiled at him. So, we started walking around just looking at everything.

We were silent until I decided I needed to speak up, so we didn't keep up with this silence.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked and Steve chuckled but nodded.

"Of course, you can." Steve answered.

"When the dreams started, what did you think?" I asked and Steve sighed.

"You know I just thought it was something along the lines of just my mind overreacting. I wasn't exactly sure. I mean I thought maybe it was just my subconscious overreacting and making me see things that would never happen. I mean can you ever really explain dreams?" Steve answered.

"Yeah, I get that and totally understand. At least you got to see my face. For some reason, I don't know if it's because of you being you or not but my dreams weren't letting me see your whole face. I would see the eyes or lips and the voice was sometimes muffled. I never could tell it was you." I said.

"Yeah, I don't get how weird the would be. What was the last dream you had of us until the one of me coming to apologize?" Steve asked and I sighed.

"Steve..." I trailed off.

"Come on Star, you can tell me, I mean it is me, the guy in the dream." Steve said and I chuckled.

"We got married." I said and Steve nodded.

'Yeah, that's the last one I had too." Steve said.

"Do we think these dreams are how it's meant to be? I mean not saying I don't want to see where this can possibly go..." I trailed off and he nodded.

"I guess we go at our own pace and make our own destiny." Steve said and I nodded slightly with a smile.

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