10 - Worst Dream Ever

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"Okay so I want everyone to turn to page ten in their workbooks." I said to my class as everyone listened and I smiled. "Okay I want you guys to work on all those problems by themselves and once they are done just put your heads down and I will come over and check your work." I said. I walked to my desk and sat down. I pulled out my cellphone since I hadn't heard from Steve in four days, he was on a mission and I knew that. I went to send him a text message before I could get it sent, I looked up and saw Tony and Bucky standing at my classroom door. I smiled and walked over to them.

"Hey, what's going on? You guys never come here..." I said, Bucky took my hand and pulled me out into the hallway.

"Starla, we need to talk." Tony said and I looked at both of them.

"You guys are scaring me." I said.

"It's Steve." Tony said.

"What about Steve? Is he injured again?" I asked with a small smile knowing he would send someone to tell me.

"No, he is...actually...Starla, Steve's gone. He was killed." Bucky said and I just looked at both men blankly.

"What? No...he's not gone. He is supposed to be here. He is supposed to be coming home, we have to have a future, a life together...Stop joking. Where is he?" I asked.

"Starla...Steve is gone." Tony repeated. I felt my knees give out and I fell to the floor.

"NO!" I screamed shooting up in bed. I looked around and realized it was just a dream. At least I hoped it was just a dream. I picked up my phone to call Steve but I forgot to charge my phone. I stayed in my pajamas, left my house grabbing my keys and heading to the compound. I reached the gate and buzzed in.

"Ms. Petton?" I heard the A.I voice F.R.I.D.A.Y. answer.

"Yes sorry F.R.I.D.A.Y. I know its late but can you please let me in. No need to wake anyone. I just need to see Steve." I said and the gate opened. "Thank you." I drove in and then got in the door that F.R.I.D.A.Y. unlocked for me and I rushed to Steve's room. I quietly opened the door and smiled when I saw him fast asleep.

"Starla?" I heard someone whisper in the hall and I looked to see Tony.

"Hey, sorry about the late hour. I needed to come make sure he was okay." I said.

"You have a dream?" Tony asked and I nodded. "Well you get in there and help put your mind at ease." Tony said and I smiled. He walked back down the hall. I walked into Steve's room and crawled into bed beside him. He was facing me when I got in the bed, I saw his face scrunched up and it seemed like he was dreaming as well.

"Steve..." I whispered and placed a hand on his cheek. He didn't wake up but instantly relaxed. I smiled seeing him relax. I cuddled into Steve, buried my face in his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. He sighed in his sleep instantly content. I quickly drifted off to sleep.


I woke up the next morning with a small kiss being placed on my lips, I smiled before I opened my eyes.

"Not awake yet..." I said and he chuckled. He leaned in and kissed me again and I moaned as it got a little deeper than before. I opened my eyes slowly once our lips broke apart and looked at Steve.

"Good morning." I said and Steve smiled.

"Good morning. I must admit this was a nice surprise to wake up to. When did you get here?" Steve asked and I sighed.

"Around one in the morning." I said and Steve looked confused. "I had a dream Steve, I had to come check on you...make sure you were still here." I said, he placed a hand on my cheek.

A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes ⭐️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora