1 - Dream Girl

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"I do." Steve said standing at the front of a church marrying this woman in front of him. She was beautiful and he wasn't sure how he got so lucky. He looked at saw the crowd gathered and his whole Avengers team was there Bucky and Sam as his Best Man and groomsman.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride Captain." The officiant said and Steve leaned in towards the woman.

"Come here you." Steve said and she giggled. Their lips touched.

Steve sat straight up in bed and groaned.

"Not again..." Steve said and sighed. He grabbed his sketch book from beside the bed and start sketching her face again. The face he had been seeing every night in his dreams for the past 3 months. He saw their whole relationship from meeting to dating and now the wedding. The dreams had stopped recently but now they were back. Once Steve finish sketching her he sighed and laid back down. Looking at the picture he propped up on his nightstand.

"Who are you?" Steve asked. He closed his eyes and drifted off into fitful sleep.


Steve woke up in his apartment later in the morning and looked at the picture.

"Why can't I find you?" Steve asked as he got out of bed and took a shower. He closed his eyes in the shower thinking of every dream he had with his mystery woman. Never had a dream with how they met, it started off with dates, their first kiss, the first time they had sex...that dream was so real, he could feel her, her body, her breathing on him, all of it. Now he dreamed of their wedding. Steve hated this feeling, how was he ever supposed to find this woman? She was plaguing his dreams and now daily thoughts. Steve got out of the shower and got dressed. He was needed at the compound for a meeting. He took one last look at the picture and got an idea taking one of the best pictures he had of her and took it with him.

Steve arrived at the compound in no time and walk inside. Steve got inside to Tony's lab and saw Bruce Banner in there working.

"Hey Captain, something you need?" Bruce asked. Steve sighed.

"Do you still have that facial recognition software?" Steve asked and Bruce nodded.

"Of course." Bruce said. Steve pulled the picture out of his pocket.

"Can you run this?" Steve asked. Bruce looked at the drawing and gave a small smile.

"Still have the dreams?" Bruce asked.

"Yeah we got married last night." Steve said.

"I can't promise anything will come up." Bruce said.

"I know just let me know. I have a meeting with Tony." Steve said and walked out.


After Steve meeting with Tony he walked back into the lab and Bruce handed him in the drawing.

"I'm sorry Steve, nothing." Bruce said and Steve sighed.

"Maybe she just doesn't exist." Steve said and Bruce sighed.

"She may just be a dream girl Steve." Bruce said and he nodded.

"Maybe..." Steve said looking down at the hand drawn picture. "Thanks Bruce." Steve said and walked out of the lab. As he was putting the picture in his pocket he ran into Bucky, his best friend and fellow super solider.

"What's that?" Bucky asked as Steve showed him the picture.

"You still dreaming of her?" Bucky asked and Steve nodded.

"Yeah I dreamed of our wedding last night. Be prepared when I finally find her and marry her, you are best man." Steve said and Bucky chuckled.

"One thing at a time pal, find her first." Bucky said and Steve nodded.

"Yeah, I know. I had Bruce try facial recognition but nothing. I don't know what to do Buck." Steve said.

"You can't keep on like this man. You need to move past her. She will just inhabit your dreams, a figment of your imagination. She could be a face you made up." Bucky explained and Steve sighed.

"Maybe...I don't know I just feel like she is real." Steve said.

"Let's go get coffee and talk. Hell maybe we will run into her." Bucky said and Steve shook his head.

"I wish I could buddy but I cant. I have to go get ready for the talk at that elementary school class." Steve said and Bucky nodded.

"Well have fun with the rugrats." Bucky said and Steve laughed as he walked out of the compound. Steve went back to his apartment, grabbed his suit and then headed to the school. Luckily the school was going to let Steve change at the school. Steve walked out of the room he was changing in to be met by the principal of the school.

"Captain Rogers, we are so happy you could make it today." The principal said and Steve smiled.

"No problem. I'm happy to come talk to the kids about safety and The Avengers." Steve said and the principal smiled.

"Well we have combined 2 classes since the one teacher is out sick. The teacher in charge is Miss Petton." The principal said as they walked to the classroom. Once they arrived the principal knocked on the door and then opened it. The minute they walked in she shushed Steve since Miss Petton was talking to the kids.

"Okay so we all need to be on our best behavior Captain Rogers is here taking time out of his busy schedule to come talk to our class." Miss Petton said and Steve smiled. Seeing on the back of her head knowing she had no clue he was there.

"Miss Petton?" The principal said and Miss Petton turned around making eye contact with Steve.

"You're her!" Steve said.

"You're him!" Miss Petton said.

A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes ⭐️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя