☠︎︎🩺 four

Start from the beginning

"Wait." I interrupt him, trying not to sound annoyed by everything I was hearing. "How...I mean, I know they're fucking crazy, but how do I know you aren't a part of this plan too?"

Elio looked at me like I was stupid for asking that question.

His hands hovered over my shoulders, until they weren't.

"Don't fall in love with Aleksandr. Don't show any signs of interest, nothing. As soon as you do, Lucifer will kill you."

"Why would I do that in the first place, he's clearly a sadistic, bloodsucking monster." I remove his hands from my shoulders as I began to feel offended that he'd even say that. "What's to like about someone like that?"

"'A lot of things', so they say." Elio mumbles.

I let go of his wrists now, sighing at the sight of the wall. There were too many to count, but I knew hundreds when I see it.

"It is sick and disturbing." I say quietly, glancing back down at Elio. "You...spoke to the others like this too, right?"

Elio shook his head, and now I began to wonder.

"Why are you telling me this? You said you liked me-."

"Not like that," He interjects instantly, folding his arms defensively, "I like you because you actually have spirit still, it hasn't been destroyed yet. I am just tired of seeing their pets go into their game blindly. It was entertaining in the beginning, but now it's just...not right."

I wait for him to say more, and he points up at me.

"And you are a fighter, right? The only reason why you made it into here is because you helped a child, so I heard. You didn't technically lose...you just conceded to him so that you wouldn't have to beat the kid up." Elio sticks his hand out towards me and I grab it. He leads me over to the dresser as I saw a picture of multiple weak...tired looking humans with collars on. "All of their pets came into here with defeated, weak spirits. None of them had it left in them to fight against that, and Aleksandr was the one they needed to be fighting against. None of them stood a chance."

I lay the picture down, beginning to feel that need to...fight.

Not fight like how I did in that ring, but fight for my kind. Fight for those who all died...just falling in love with somebody.

Because they began to feel something again, they did.

"But you, I think you do - no, I know you do." Elio affirms me.

"Your confidence in me is an honor." I chuckle, looking down at him kindly. "I hope I don't let you down. This is a lot...and I don't know how I'd even begin - how this all will begin."

"I can tell you that Aleksandr's one blue eye allows him to read minds. I don't know if he can read yours, but if he could he would've found out earlier what we were talking about, easily." Elio pursed his lips as he began to nod quickly. "That makes complete sense as to why he looked at me instead of you. He probably couldn't read you...you are even more interesting Damon."

I look away from now and start thinking about how I am going to go about this. This is still technically my first day here.

Nothing's really...started yet.

"What am I supposed to expect?" I ask him.

"Expect Aleksandr to flirt with you at times and be very...kind. What he did to the other pets is save them from Lucifer's wrath, spoil them, and make them feel like they were all that mattered to him. If they were a female, he'd compliment nonstop and shower her with affection she might've not gotten before. For men, he's just very...I don't know how to put it into words. You'll know when he does it though." Elio nods insistently as if I wouldn't believe him.

"I believe you."

When I say that his determined disposition faltered for a second, until he was back to what was necessary. I almost wonder if I saw it right.

"He will drink from you, eventually. It's a painful thing, but there's a way to make it not painful. Aleksandr will know you feel some type of way about him based on the way you react to his bite. So...if you know you feel some type of way for him...react opposite of what you think he'd expect," Elio adds with a hint of concern, "He may also ask you to do things with him. Like kiss him or do certain acts - his favorite is having Lucifer's pet watch him and Lucifer have sex. You can probably guess why."

I shook my head at such a thing because the more I heard...the more it pissed me off.

I wanted to fight more and more the more he spoke about this. The more I learned, the more I wanted to win this fight.

No conceding this time.

"Damon are you okay-?"

"No." I face him quickly, seeing him nod in understanding. "I'm not. To think that I was brought here for something as stupid as that is infuriating. He doesn't just want my blood, he wants my heart too. And once I was to give it to him, they'd just rip it to shreds. That's fucking disgusting - and they did that to all of these people!"

"Damon lower your voice, please-."

"I can't! How can I?! It's fucking horrible! You all- vampires- are horrible!" I shout in his face.

Only to realize who I was talking to.

I looked down at him, down at someone who didn't mean harm to me. He told me this because he cared...and he liked whatever he liked about me.

A soft and kind face...with an even kinder expression of understanding.

I'm getting mad at the wrong one.

"I'm sorry." I shudder quietly.

Stepping back from him, I grin.

"I'm shouting at the wrong person."

"I kinda deserve to hear it too. I used to enjoy seeing the humans that would come through here and die because of their desperation for love." Elio admits quietly to me, just to shake his head. "But it came to a point where it's just not funny anymore."

I purse my lips at him, resting my hand on his shoulder kindly.

"It's okay. It's the fact that you feel bad about it, but still. You're not the one doing these things, they are."

"Yeah...I guess."

"Not 'I guess', it's just the truth."

Smiling at him, I already knew how I was going to go about this.

There was no other way I could go about this.

I just had to not feel anything for Aleksandr, and if I do, I must hide it.

Not that that would be hard to do though. Who could fall in love with someone like that? Especially after hearing all of that?

He may be beautiful to look at, but his inside is as rotten as can be. And it's disgusting.

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