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THE JOURNEY THROUGH the decaying streets of Boston unfolded as Cindy, Joel, Tess, and Ellie treaded cautiously towards the Massachusetts State House

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THE JOURNEY THROUGH the decaying streets of Boston unfolded as Cindy, Joel, Tess, and Ellie treaded cautiously towards the Massachusetts State House. So many different routes that would've halved the distance were blocked by rubble and collapsed buildings.

"The State House is across there." Tess pointed out to Ellie.

"Ten minute walk if we could go straight, but..." Cindy gestured towards the building blocking their path that was once a straight road.

"So...?" Ellie trailed off.

"Long way or short way?" Joel queried.

"I mean, it's the long way or the 'we're fuckin' dead way'." Tess said.

"Well, I vote long way just based on that limited information." Ellie voted.

"Me too, kid." Cindy snickered.

The group had decided to check the path from the hotel first, and as they walked, Cindy marveled at the eerie sort of beauty of the desolate city. Her eyes scanned the surroundings, mapping out potential threats and escape routes. It'd become a very useful habit of hers over the years. She glanced at Joel and Tess, every so often, sussing them out.

She liked Tess more than Joel up to now. Tess had a calming voice. Of course, they were smuggling Ellie, but the way Tess was talking her through what they were doing next, whether it was to give Ellie a heads up or put her at ease some, it rubbed Cindy the right way.

Joel on the other hand. She couldn't quite sus him out. She noticed how he always walked behind them. Probably a protective thing. But having someone stern and unfamiliar behind her with a gun made Cindy a little uneasy. Especially a man. You couldn't even trust the best ones in this world.

"Where are they already?" Ellie asked, referring to the infected. She's already expressed how, growing up in the QZ, they'd told them beyond the walls was full of infected. Everywhere you go.

"You'll know it when they're close." Tess replied.

"I'd be concerned if you didn't." Cindy teased.

"I didn't know last time." Ellie said. Cindy furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, but before she could question Ellie's statement, Tess spoke up.

"How did you get bit?"

Cindy's head snapped towards Ellie, alarm written across her face. What the hell were they talking about?

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