relationships part 3

Start from the beginning

Riley: goodbye

Kenny: see ya 

James you okay 

Kenny close the door 

EJ: I didn't know you was gay 

Kenny: I'm not I'm just exploring that's all 

James: I hope you are wrapping it up 

Kenny: dad stop please 

James: okay I'm just saying 

Sammy starts laughing

James: I don't know you're laughing

Sammy: what 

James: nothing 

Sammy: no if you have something to say 

James starts laughing and then his phone rings 

Sammy and James look at each other 

Sammy: babe your phone 

James: oh 

Sammy: so are you gonna answer it 

James takes his phone out of his pocket and answers it 

On the phone 

James: hello 

Harry: James 

James: hey boss what's up 

Harry: I'm sorry to say this but we found out about your ex-wife and I'm sorry but you've been let go 

James: no maybe there's something I can do please I need this job 

Harry: I'm sorry 

James: no you can't do this 

Harry: I'm sorry 

James: you know what fuck you I gave you fucking 20 years you can just fire me 

Harry: I'm sorry you feel that way 

James: fuck you 

Phone call ended 

Sammy: babe 

James leaves the house and goes in his car 

Sammy: guys do you mind 

Eric: no we can watch them go ahead

Sammy follows James 

In the car* 

James cries and Sammy gets in the car 

Sammy: it's okay 

James: how could he do this 

Sammy: maybe it's a sign that you should run your own business I mean you have your trust fund 

James: this is crazy how could he fire me 

Sammy: babe I don't know he's stupid for letting you go do you want to egg his house or pee on his car 

James starts laughing

Sammy: see 

James: babe thank you for sitting with me this is exactly what I need 

Sammy and James kiss and and James best friend gets in the backseat 

Daniel: hello crazy kids 

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