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The entire place goes silent, heads turning to me immediately, awaiting my reaction. I can feel the embarrassment run through me.

Quickly, muttering a few apologies, I slide over the bar? taking his hands and whisking his away to the back lounge office.

When the door closes behind us, I plop down on the couch, covering my face in pure horror. I can't think of anything to even say, my mind filled by the customers looks of surprise.

This is the exact type of shit my manager tries to avoid. Ugh, what if she makes me take on more shifts as punishment?

"Tony," I begin, my tone low, "Why the hell would you do that?"

He doesn't mind my current state of embarrassment, his smiling only widening when I land eyes on him.

He shrugs shyly, as if he didn't just put the both of us front and center in the shop for no literally reason.

"I needed your attention," He states simply, as if it's the perfect explanation.

I sigh, my eyes rolling and my head dropping back into my hands as I try to get the anxiety in my hands to cease.

"I am working," I reply to him like he's a child.

He doesn't budge, obviously unclear or unbothered about what he just did in the middle of the shop.

"You didn't believe me," He argues with an unbelievable amount of confidence, as if it was the only right answer.

My head snaps up and I sit back, the smile on my face growing into an awful, dirty expression as I gaze at him.

He stares back, cluelessly.

"Yeah, I really don't believe this shit," I gather, with genuine honesty.

Tony's jaw drops and he gawks at me, as if he couldn't believe it and I was the one acting like a complete idiot.

He offers, smiling a bit, "What? Shit, do you want me to sing it?"

I immediately shake my head, denying it before he can even start up. Tony singing is the last thing I need.

Then my day won't bounce back, for sure.

"No, I don't-"

He cuts me off, his hand being placed directly in front of my face. I stop in the middle of my sentence, shocked that he would even do that.

I slap his hand down, standing up and opening my mouth back up to say something else I was cooking in the back of my head.

He sings, horribly and loud, "I love you Pria. I love youu Pri-"

He's so tone deaf, I cant even find the humor in his singing. Instinctively, I slap my hand over his mouth, stopping him before it gets too far.

"Enough of that," I rush, laughing nervously, "I believe you, okay? Fine,"

Tony eyes me, wearily for a few moments, not responding. Then, I realize he can't respond because my hand is suffocating him.

I drop my hand to my side, laughing a bit at his badly attempted side eye.

He states broadly, with a raw hint of attitude, "P, you lie for a living,"

My hand slaps back over his mouth, preventing him from saying anything more. I pause, taking in his features.

His look is intense, and unwavering. I'm looking for any indication that this was just some type of joke, but I'm failing to find any.

And I'm not getting a gut feeling either.

Coupled upOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora