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Lunch was quick, and I didnt talk much, at all, too busy worrying about how horrible of a human being I am, you know?

On the ride back to school, I even took a small nap in the backseat of the truck, even with everybody else screaming in the back of the pickup.

Once we got to school, the group broke apart, some going back for the last class of the day, but me, Tony, China, and Chase were the only ones who didn't stay, or have a last block.

I had requested that we stop at a store so I can pick up some snacks for everybody and they agreed, and we pulled up to walmart.

"Can you get me a box of pizza rolls, P?" China asks once we enter the store.

I brush her shoulder off of me, pushing the cart forward, further into the store. I really don't even feel like talking to her.

I just want to get the food and go.

I respond, nonchalantly, "Whatever, Chi, just go,"

She smiles real wide, jumping up and down for a split second before grabbing onto the cart to slow me down.

Conveniently, we are stopped right in front of the frozen packaged foods aisle.

"Are you coming with me?" She asks, point her head down the aisle.

Honestly, I'm still upset about what happened at school and I'm not ready to be buddy buddy with her just yet.

I peel her hands off of the side of the cart.

I shoot back, quick and with attitude, "No, girl, go by yourself,"

I start to push the cart past her and the boys follow me, as I search for the chip and boxed snacks aisle.

"So you want me to die," China calls out, from behind us.

I turn around, watching people maneuver around her, seeing as she is standing literally in the middle of the main, open entrance aisle.

Oh this girl literally has not shame, like ever. Why are you screaming in the middle of the store?

"Chase, go with her," I order, carelessly, "Pick some stuff out and meet us,"

Chase groans, not hiding the fact that he does not want to stick for China and be her buddy for like five minutes to make sure she doesn't get ahead of herself.

"Why me?" He complains, his face scrunched up.

I glare at him, and he stares back, eye fighting me with this unexpected amount of sassy he's been hiding within him.

"Because I said so," I demand, placing my hand on my hip like a black mamma would.

With that, China stomps over to Chase, gripping the back of his shirt in her fist and yanking it, like it's a leash.

Chase looks at her, his eyes wide and then looks back at Tony, who is standing beside me, his eyes screaming for help.

Tony just turns away, not paying any of them any mind at all.

He complains, even louder than before, "But she's mean,"

"Don't piss me off," China starts, her face curled up in offense.

Chase pauses, turning his head to look down at China, looking at her before slowly returning his head back to us.

He goes with no hesitation, "I don't want to be abused by a hoodlum,"

China gasps, her fist balling up and swinging into his shoulder blade before her other one follows, just as fast.

"Nigga I will kill you," She threatens, bringing her fist back and jumping at him like she was about to hit him again.

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