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When we get to my room, he changes out of his clothes and switches to the pajamas I set out for him.

I start to collect my things up, rushing a bit excited and a big nervously.

I announce to him, quietly, "I need to shower,"

"I can wait," He tells me.

Quickly, I rush off into the bathroom, starting up the shower and getting undressed before I stepped in.

But then I stop myself, glancing over at my phone. I decide to call my best friend, and my favorite cousin in one.

I rush to her contact, clicking the facetime button and it gives three rings before she picks up, her screen dark.

"Hello?" I whisper into the phone audio hole.

She must've moved around a bit and got comfortable because i hear the shuffling on hee end.

Then hee voice comes out, "Girl, yes?"

"What are you doibg?" I ask, as if that is the reason why I called.

But she and I both know I would never just call her for no reason. We talked a lot and only lived like twenty minutes from each other.

We saw each other almost every other day.

"I'm about to go to sleep, girl, what?" She snaps obviously sounding a bit annoyed.

She really is a chill girl and it's nearing 12 so i'm sure she is actually exhausted. I sigh, putting my face in the camera and grinning.

"Its about to happen," I say, still grinning like a lunatic.

"What?" She says, painfully confused. But I keep smiling at the phone and she must've got the hint because she goes, "Girl you got church in the morning,"

"I know," I respond.

She sighs, loud enough for me to hear on the phone, "I'll put your name up on the prayer board,"

Her screen then goes on paused and she starts tapping her fingers, probably texting. But she's typing so fast I can literally hear every little thing.

"I'm nervous," I admit, getting up and staring at myself in the mirror. I start to do poses, and faces, to make sure I still will look pretty in the middle.

China goes, "Premarital sex will do that to you, you know?"

I stop my posing, putting my phone down on the counter, brushing off what she was saying. I'm not perfect, especially when it comes to religion.

I don't know what I'm doing but my virginity is something I've never truly valued.

"You're no help," I mumur, suddenly feeling a bit guilty about wanting to sleep with Daniel so bad.

"Call Tony,"

"No," I decline, immediately. Then explaining kindly, "His girlfriend just broke up with him,"

China gasps, coming back to the call, and hee screen flashes white from how fast she swiped back into the call.

She starts to get a bit judgy, scolding, "So youre having sex with him at his vulnerable time,"

My jaw literally drops and I pick up my phone so she can see the look on my face. I know she has her theories and jumps to conclusions but that was actually wild.

Me sleeping with Tony was completely unrealistic. He wasn't even that type of person, and he just broke up with his girlfriend.

"China, why do you even think like that?" I say, sounding disgusted.

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