Zayn silently pushed other wolves away and scooped his mother up in his arms. She was lighter than he had expected, and bonier.

Lynx, Bethan, and Zara stood together holding each other's hands. Zayn didn't even look at them as he passed by with Solana and Liam on his heels.

But Liam turned before climbing the zigzag route and motioned for them to follow.

"Is there anything we can do?" Lynx whispered as Zayn stormed ahead, desperate to get his mother somewhere warm and dry.

"I just need the Crescent Packhouse number to tell them Solana is alive," Liam replied.

"I can phone if you would rather" Bethan suggested.

Liam was surprised and didn't hide it. Bethan had recently apologised to him for treating him unfairly. When it mattered, most werewolves proved that they could pull together and work as a pack.

"That would be a great, actually. Can you do it now?"

"I can." Bethan stayed at the top of the cliff and Liam jogged to keep up with Zayn's long strides. Sea Claw Packhouse wasn't far. Liam could already see the weathered building looming dully in the distance with yellow lanterns tied to the top of their fences.

The last time Liam was at this Packhouse, chaos was all around him. Now, he was just as tense. He hoped there would be a time where they could visit simply because they had spare time, and nothing to worry about.

That life seemed far away, but worth fighting for. Zayn was guided to an empty room. Some wolves had run ahead to light the fireplace. Liam melted against the wall as Zayn laid his mother down.

As soon as Solana was turned on her side, she vomited all over the floor. The majority was clear water.

"How long was she under?" Zayn asked, moving wet hair from her face. She was conscious, but not very interactive.

"Not long. We saw her head go under while we were halfway to her. She was struggling in the water like she was trying to come back."

Zayn frowned, wanting to question his mother, but wanting her to rest before he stressed her out.

"Thank you for getting to her on time." Zayn pulled his mother's wet clothes off. Her lips were still blue, and she was shaking all over. Her skin was freezing, but the crackling fire would help to warm her. He changed her into dry clothes and the medic
warned Zayn that Solana was not quite out of danger.

"She could still struggle with water on the lungs. Watch out for breathing troubles, chest pains or odd behaviour. Get me if you think even the slightest thing has changed. My room is just down the hall."

Zayn nodded, shook the medic's hand, and
watched as Lynx, Bethan, and Zara slipped awkwardly into the room, each observing Solana to see if she was still breathing.

"Do you reckon she went for a swim?" Lynx asked. "The tides out there are choppy."

"I don't know" Zayn mumbled, watching his mother. "Has the pack been told?"

"Yes" Bethan replied. "Baela was very relieved."

Bethan then fidgeted and asked, "You don't think this was on purpose, do you? You don't think Solana would have intentionally gone into the water knowing she wouldn't get back?"

"I don't know," Zayn said again, turning to face them. He looked exhausted with tired droopy eyes, bloodshot and heavy underneath. He slouched as if the entire world balanced on his shoulders. "That is the likeliest option."

The Omega's all shared sad glances. "We'll get her help," Lynx said with determination. "She'll be okay with a bit of help, won't she?"

"She will" Liam said when Zayn lost his words.

They all then watched Solana. Her breathing had returned to normal, and she seemed to be sleeping. Liam hoped she hadn't been without Oxygen for too long. He wanted to wake her and see, but she looked so calm, he wasn't sure if he should let her rest or keep her awake.

Though she might not have her wolf, but she still had wolf senses, and was strong enough to get through anything. Werewolves were persistently resilient.

"Are we staying here tonight?" Zara asked. Liam didn't know her too well. She was shy and sweet, but very private. Most of the older werewolves were and Liam couldn't blame them, not after what Zayn had done with his leadership.

"Yes. I can ask to get you individual rooms-"

"No, we can stay in this room tonight," interrupted Bethan. "Right?" The other werewolves agreed.

"Solana will need watching over all night. You look very tired Alpha, so do you, Liam. You can both sleep and we can wake you if anything happens."

Zayn glanced to his mate guiltily as if to say, I'm sorry for dragging you into all of this.

Liam sat next to him on the bed, rubbing his lower back. "I'll go and ask for blankets and some food and warm drinks. Do you think Junes' mate will mind?"

Zayn's eyes explored his face. He wanted to keep Liam in his sights, though Liam wasn't fond of his controlling behaviour, and Zayn was trying to be less demanding. "No, she won't mind. Take Lynx with you."

"I will." Liam pulled Zayn's face down and softly kissed his forehead, then his cheek, then his lips. Then they hugged. If they were alone in the room, Zayn might have broken down for what felt like the millionth time that week. Instead, he inhaled Liam's scent for the strength he needed to keep himself together.

Liam reluctantly left, unsure if he should be leaving Zayn in such a state. The night could've been much worse, so Liam followed Lynx down the corridor. Omegas from the Sea Claw Packhouse asked them what had happened and why Solana was so far from home and by herself in such dark times.

Liam got tired of edging around the questions, so Lynx asked if they could be directed to the kitchens, and then to be left alone.

Liam got the blankets and rocket got a tray of snacks and warm drinks. Before he carried them back to the bedroom, their eyes locked. "I don't know what Zayn would have done if she had died. I dread to
think it, actually" Lynx said.

"Her death would have destroyed him," Liam spoke lowly. "Though, I think this might change things, and not just for Solana. I think we can all agree that we want this streak of death to stop. We're really all living in so much fear. We have to find the Southern Alpha" Liam folded the bundle of blankets around his arms. "And we should do that by questioning the Southern Alpha's pack."

"His pack?" Rocket frowned quizzically.

"Yes" Liam said, turning towards the door, "his pack of Rogues."

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