Battle in Sanctuary: Saga's Vengeance

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Mu replies: "I have been fighting them for some time but so far, I have only been able to dispatch a few of them." Bray casts a devastating spell but to no avail. "I see. We must go all out indeed. So be it. We must hurry, however. It appears that not many other BRAINS members have come to this universe to help." That's when we all get a telepathic message from Saiki sent transdimensionally with some help: "Attention all fellow BRAINS members. Every single universe that had at least one god taken away from it is under attack." Madeline exclaims: "WE HAVE NO TIME FOR THIS! IM NOT GOING TO HOLD ANYTHING BACK!" She enters her berserk mode and begins to crush our foes with both offensive and magical attacks. Carlos is being sneaky and clever is always. I'm now swinging my sword with my full strength. The walls of Aries House shake violently from us going all out. Mu shouts: "Be careful! This is the Aries House, mine to protect. With how intense we must fight, it won't be long until it crumbles and traps us underneath the resulting rubble. We must be careful. I must use my techniques to bring down more of our foes. I had no intention of resorting to them this soon but there's no other choice. Starlight Extinction!" Many enemies are sent flying. Because of my high level of hand-eye coordination that only improves every single time I use my sword, I am able to look around as we fight and plan on going all out when and if the building collapses. I see Dominic getting overwhelmed. I run over to his location while carving a deadly arc in the enemy forces as I go over to my dear friend. I back him up: "Great Infernal Tornado Slash!" My attack gives him some breathing room.

"Swiftdrawer, you really helped me out just now. ..What a nap causation. I'm going to have to return the favor already." Before I could even finish my thought about wondering what he meant by that, he uses his abilities to fling me out of the way of a deadly energy blast. I nod to him. He nods back. We decide to fight together for the time being. It's better to fight together than alone at least for most life forms. I typically fly solo but that doesn't mean I can't thrive in a small group. "Dominic, do you know who did that? I couldn't really see what the energy blast looked like." "It was red and black. I have now detected more ominous presences than the 3 I know you also felt a couple minutes ago." "Red and black? How much red vs black?" "Mostly red." "Turles. It must be Turles." Turles tries to attack us from behind but we easily dodge it. He looks like a gray clad, less muscular, and shorter version of Goku. The villain laughs: "So you managed to dodge my attacks? Not bad for warriors who aren't even Saiyans." I demand: "What do you want from us?" "Oh, not much. I just want to test out this new delicious fruit from a brand new Tree of Might. It turns out that Beerus's Planet provided quite nice nutrients for the Tree of Might." Dominic yawns: "You're a nap causation. It's disappointing that someone like you needs to use the energy taken from a planet to get stronger." "I don't really care about other planets. To me, being the strongest is all that matters and I will crush anyone who dares to challenge me."

I smirk: "You're going to find we don't fight like Goku does." He laughs again: "I'm well aware of that. A overglorified swordsman and a yawn prone battle scientist. Fighting you two is going to be very entertaining. Once I'm through with you, I might just kill all of these low tier soldiers Don Thousand sent. Compared to me, they're as useful as discarded human made garbage." With that said, he starts trying to punch both of us at really high speeds. Dominic easily dodges through a technique called Matter Displacement and I just tank and sometimes dodge. Turles grins: "Wow, you two are stronger than I thought. How exciting! I'm going to enjoy wiping the both of you out in the end!" I yell: "Dominic! Keep him busy. I got a surprise for him. It's going to take some time to prepare. If you need me to stall for you too later, I will happily do so." "Of course. That won't be any reason for me to say my nap causation line. Turles, I'm your target now. Watch this. Supernova!" Dominic springs his powerful attack so suddenly that it knocks Turles back and actually somewhat surprises him. Meanwhile, I get into the pose needed for Kamehameha but with a slight difference. My hands are positioned as normal except my sword is in my right hand. While working my ordinary job in my other body, I figured out how to visualize the necessary energy flow needed for Kamehameha Slash to perfect it. As Dominic keeps Turles busy by throwing at him all kinds of attacks he's never seen before, I charge up the Ki into my sword.

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