Chapter 028

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Frost woke up and got ready to head out to her mission this morning. She leaned down to kiss Kapkan goodbye and grabbed her bags and headed down to the armory. Walking down with tired eyes as she yawned. Looking down at her watch it read 5:15 am. Frost got into the elevator and pressed the last button. Upon arriving she walked down the hall passing all the others lockers. Approaching her part of the armory she took out a key and unlocked it. Taking foot inside she started rummaging through her stuff. Grunting to herself as she heard a knock from behind. She stopped and looked up to find Mira leaning against the bars.

"Hey what got you all riled up? It's only... 5:18" She spoke looking back up from her phone. Frost sighed and took a seat. "I don't know this mission feels funny to me" She buried her face into her hands as mira joined right next to her and rubbed her back. "Don't worry okay trust me everything will be okay" She reassured her comrade and patted her back before getting up again. "Now hurry up, the trucks leave in about 25" She warned her and left her armory to let her finish packing. Frost stayed seated until she got back up eventually and returned to getting out her guns, ammunition, her traps. Once she was all ready she headed out locking her armory behind. 

                                                                                    -----time skip-----

"Oh fuck fuck I was right!" Frost yelled out in fear as she looked around at the burning building. Something, somewhere it went wrong. A gas leak must have caused an explosion and now everything around her was on fire. The bits of debris fell onto her uniform from the ceiling she looked up and decided to keep on running around. She couldn't see an exit. No windows, no doors anywhere in sight. Everything slowly started to fill with smoke. She started coughing excessively and her sight became blurrier. "Some..someone.. help me!" She tried to scream out loud as she fell onto the floor dropping her weapon. She started to crawl until she grew weak and no longer moved. The structure continued to go up in flames as the beams started falling.

"Get them here right fucking now! One of our squad leaders are inside!" Ash yelled through the phone furiously. The rest of the group all huddled together knowing they couldn't do a thing to help. "She knew this would happen" Mira spoke softly as ying approached her. "What do you mean?" She asked confused. "At the armory she said the mission felt funny to her... she was right" She turned back to the building with tears in her eyes. You could hear the sirens in the background getting closer. 7 fire trucks hauled onto the property as they quickly got out fire extinguishers, the hose and a few fire fighters ran inside to retrieve Frost.

After about 15 minutes they got the fire to calm down more and the fire fighters came out with Frost in their arms. The team all looked anxiously seeing her body was as limp as ever. There seem to be no life in her. "Is-is she.." Rook looked in horror. Smoke laid a hand on his shoulder. Doc came to step up with them. "We don't know for sure let them take a look at her and we will know." He tried to keep his teammates calm and with hopes that she was going to make it. The girls all held each other. A few started to tear at the sight as they placed her on a medical stroller.

A few medics started to check her vital signs and hooking her up to machines. Another medic placed an oxygen mask over her nose to help her breath. They saw she was not breathing as they started preforming CPR on her. One nurse stood over her and started to pump at her chest. The sight had they crying all praying she would move an arm or a leg. "Fucking hell Frost wake up!" Mira started yelling as she slightly lunged foreword. Ash and Ying both held her arms back to stop her from getting into the ambulance. After a few second they brought out the defibrillators and started to hook it up. The medic rubbed them together quickly as you could hear the loud high pitch it made. "Clear!" He yelled as everyone stood back and he placed it on her chest. Her body rose but laid still.

"Again!" Another medic yelled as she recharged and aimed for her chest. "Clear!" The group couldn't bear to watch as they looked away. Ash and Ying had to drag Mira away from the scene as she started to not be able to function and get angry. 4 minutes passed as a medic from the truck came out of the ambulance and walked towards the group. They couldn't wait for the news so they rejoiced and walked towards the medic. "Well? Did she make it?" They all looked desperate for answers. Feeling their hearts pounding out their chests. 

{Short chapter and a cliff hanger! Stay tuned for the final 2 chapters!}  

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