Chapter 025

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The music queue as she made her way to the entrance of the isle. "All rise for the bride" Everyone stood up with huge smiles on their faces. A few had their mouths open from how beautiful she had looked. At the end of the isle stood Kapkan with a smile and her bridesmaid waiting anxiously for her. She took her first step as she was nervous she was going to step on her dress and fall. Between the people you could see the photographers and videographers getting the best angles they can. Upon reaching the alter, Kapkan stretched his hand out to hold hers as she handed her bouquet to the maid of honor. The priest started off with a few blessings followed by their vows and then the rings. 

The newly wed slid on the rings on each other hands, frost's hand was a bit shaky. "You got this" Kapkan whispered to her in attempt to comfort her. The priest cleared his throat "I now pronounce you Husband and Wife, you may now kiss the bride" Frost bounced a little as she went in for the kiss as kapkan had his hand on her back and kissed her back with a deep kiss. Everyone cheered and clapped as they finally are a married couple. As they walked down the aisle heading to the party everyone took out small bags of rose petals that were given before they all sat down. Rose petals were thrown in the air as it fell so effortlessly and gracefully. The bridal and groom party followed them as the guests trailed behind. 

They arrived where the party is being held as the band started playing music and there were servers standing with plates of hor'dourves. The bride and groom walked up to one of them with a smile "What do we have here" Kapkan looked down at the bite size appetizer "We have the braised short rib with mash potatoes, beef, grimolata and a fried shallot" The server smiled as she explained. "Incase this isn't your cup of tea we also have two other selections which consists of spicy ahi tuna, that one is the crostini with chickpea puree, tuna, candid carrot coulis with benne seeds. The final hor'dourves is the duck confit canapé which sits on a brioche with fig jam, duck mix, pickled red onion and minced chives." Kapkan was taken back with the amount of information he just gathered. 

"Well you have quite the memory" Frost chuckled knowing she could never remember so much when it comes to culinary. "Well I have been working here for 5 years so you get used to seeing the same course every once in a while" They all shared a laugh as they both grabbed on and tried it out. "Oh my gosh this is amazing, I'm going to need a platter of everything!" The bride melted at the flavor and juiciness of the rib. "Yea, four of everything on a platter!" He jokingly laughed as they walked off to find their table. The server kept what they said in mind and headed back to the kitchen. 

"Special request from bride and groom, they would love 4 of every appetizer as soon as possible" The lead chef nodded and instructed a plate of 4 of everything. Within five minutes the plate was built and sent out to them. "This is amazing, our day is finally here!" Frost squealed in happiness as she clutched onto her husbands arm. They watched as everyone drank, eat and chatted amongst each other. "Excuse me, the platter you requested." The server set the plate down in front of them as they only stared at it. "Wait what?"Kapkan said as he picked up one of the apps. "Oh! Remember when we tried the braised short rib and you said four of everything.... they really brought us four of everything" She laughed as she looked up at her. "This is plenty, thank you" She smiled up at her.

Slowly everyone was sitting down at their tables as each spot was labeled with their personal name. The bridal and groom party all sat with the bride and groom at the long table as guests would come up to the newly wed to congratulate them. After everyone was settled down a few people came up to say a toast and tell short stories about them. Happy tears were shed as everyone laughed together. After the toast the music cue softly in the background as food stations were open up. "Alrighty everyone food stations are open, we will the bridal party go first" The DJ announced as they all stood up and headed off to three different directions. Luckily the wedding planner had brought them both plates with a bit of everything on it. They waited for everyone at the table to get their food before they started eating. 

Once they all sat, frost and kapkan were the first to start digging into the food. Their plates consisted of shrimp and grits as one plate, mash potatoes with braised short rib on top and finally they had grilled flank steak with a salad and chimmichurri on the side. "Whoa did you order the entire menu!" Kapkan jokingly laughed as he couldn't decide which plate to start eating from. Frost laughed "Oh I could have, but just for our sanity I decided to not order it all" She stabbed her fork into her steak and dipped it into the chimichurri as she took a mouthful and melted in her chair. "This is sooo good" She groaned as kapkan placed a napkin over her dress so she wouldn't dirty it. Everyone started eating their food as you could hear the satisfaction tune from the hums they made. 

"Wow I would love to have their recipe!" IQ started off with the shrimp and grits. "Pleaseee tell me they have a restaurant" Mira begged to frost hoping she would say yes. "Haha I wish but unfortunately they don't, but! They do family meals for either delivery or pick up, here are a few of their cards" Frost pulled out her small hand bag and gave each of them a card to the catering company she used for their wedding. Once everyone had finished eating the planner came by and took the bride and grooms plate to put them in to go boxes. A couple of servers came by to pick up the others empty plates while behind that server was another server filling up water glasses. 

Slowly people were headed off to the dance floor while a few others such as techanka, blitz, mozzie and smoke all headed to the bar to get a few drinks. Frost wanted the good type of music, to bring back good memories and have dopamine run through her blood. She had requested the DJ to play 2000's music, everyone raved at the music. The DJ also took in requests from anyone just to mix up the music genre up a bit. After about 35 good minutes of dancing the DJ announced the cake cutting would take place in 5 minutes. Frost and kapkan made their way over to the three layer cake, it was a plain white cake with a vine of flowers swirled from the top all the way to the bottom of it. The photographer came by and took a few pictures of the cake and with the newly wed. Out of no where kapkan pulled out a curtana sword to cut the cake with. Frost's eyes went wide as she stepped back "And where the fuck did you get that!"She seemed shock as she looked under the table to see if there was more. "Wait what is that for?" Kapkan only gave his wife a grin followed by a small chuckle. "It's for the cake cut" her head turned over to the cake.

This poor cake was going to get demolished. "Of coarse you would want to cut the cake with a sword" She laughed as she crossed her arms. "Hey! It's not just a sword! It is a curtana sword also known as the sword of mercy or a ceremonial sword used at coronations for British kings and queens" Kapkan started going off about the backstory of those types of swords. "Let's just cut the fucking cake" She smiled as kapkan lifted the sword and frost's small hands wrapped around the handle. They set the tip to the top of the cake as photos were taken as they preformed every small movement. They didn't go down all the way only to cut a small slice of the top layer cake. Once it was cut, frost grabbed a plate and carefully placed the cake onto the plate and gave her husband a fork.

They each grabbed a piece and feed each other. Chocolate flavored cake. They looked at each other and nodded with a big smile on their faces. "This is delicious!" Everyone clapped as they headed back to the dance floor and the cake was taken to the back to be cut for everyone. "Alright! to the dance floor we go for the bouquet toss!" Frost yelled out loud followed by her bridesmaid and a few other females. Once everyone was on the floor to catch the bouquet frost teasingly would pretend to throw it back just for her to still hold it. After a good few seconds of messing with it she threw it up and high as everyone had their eyes locked ready to catch it. A small hand tightly gripped the handle of the bouquet as everyone looked down to see that Mira had caught it. "When's the wedding?" Twitch laughed as she nudged her with her hands on her hip. "What? who says I am getting married?" She took a big chug of her drink as she walked off the dance floor with laughs followed. "So I heard and saw you caught the bouquet" Jackal grinned at Mira "Pssh, en tu suenos" (Pssh, in your dreams) She sheepishly laughed and pushed him away jokingly.  

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