Chapter 013

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"Hey Taina! You're the life of the party last night!" 

"That was awesome!"

"I wouldn't want to mess with you!"

As she walked down the hallway that was all she heard, the Brazilian was very confused on what her fellow operators were talking about. She faintly remembers flipping a guy over her shoulder and head butting him afterwards. They wouldn't know about it, they were not there. Quickly she went to go find her group whom she went out with. Spotting twitch and aruni together on their phones. "Caveira! Have you heard? Theres a video of you going around whenever you flipped that guy over your shoulder and knocked him out" Aruni turned her phone around showing her the full video. "Some stranger must have recorded the whole thing"

"At least they got my best angle." She smirked watching it, "Is it on all social media platform?" Furrowing her eyebrows together as they nodded together. "Well he did deserve being slammed down to a table last night, maybe he learned his lesson." crossing her arms above her shoulders as the two girls looked at each other. "What? Am I wrong?" Now realizing her friends expression changed. "Ummm I know last night was a haze and you couldn't see who it was because of how poor the lights were in there, but do you know who that guy is? Look closely" Caveira grabbed the phone and looked closely replaying the video over and over. "Oh shit" Mute walked by and noticed the shock on her face. 

"Whats going on?" Exchanging looks between the three of them. "Last night caveira had a guy grabbed her so she ended up flipping him over the table and knocked him out" Twitch explained for the fifth time today. "Good for her... what's the problem with that?" He was equally confused as the Brazilian woman was. "That was the son of the mafia overlord. Dominic Martin" The group grew quiet. "So is she in trouble now?" Mute asked as twitch walked up behind him. "Hmm I don't know, she did flip him onto a table, head butted him which caused injuries to him so yea.. I'd say she is in trouble." Crossing her arms with annoyance stringed in her voice as she was surprised that mute didn't know she would be in trouble. "Either way how will they know where Caviera is at or who she is?" Aruni asked hearing footsteps behind them.

"Because this isn't our first rodeo with them. We've encountered them before" Pulse decided to join in on the conversation after the rumors started to leak out towards the entire team. "Lucky for us our headquarters is highly secured so even if they tried to get in, they couldn't... I mean why would they even try to get into one of the most elite's team headquarters" The American started to question himself. "It's all going to be okay, no one is going to get her or infiltrate the building" Kapkan came up trying to ensure comfort to everyone as frost rubbed caveira's arm and pulled her away from the group. "Come on, let's go get coffee from the cafeteria, something to put your mind at ease" They both made their way down as everyone else continued on about the whole situation.

"Will everything be okay? I knew I shouldn't pulled him over my shoulder and harm him what was I thinking" Rubbing her forehead with the palm of her hands, groans and grunts escaping her mouth as her mind was filled with frustration. "Hey hey, don't beat yourself up. There was no way you could have known it was him, it was a hazy night and it was dark" Trying her best to use the most encouraging words against someone who was difficult to convince but it somewhat seemed to work. Once they grabbed coffee Harry had called all of them for a meeting and informed them that due to the circumstances of all this revolving, missions have been put on hold. Not that there were much missions anyways; majority was just training in different cities or countries. As the day went on everyone did their daily routine, either it was training, cleaning/organizing their personal weaponry area, locked up in their room all day, or just roaming around.

The Brazilian couldn't keep still, she needed air but no one would let her set foot outside so she locked herself in her room until night came upon them and everyone laid low. 

                                                                         --------12:47 PM--------

Carefully she opened her door and closed it behind her watching her steps; lucky for them they didn't have wooden floors or else creaks could be heard beneath her foot. Since the floor was concrete she had nothing to worry about; once her door was closed she quickly made her way down the hall and around corners. Going out the front door was obvious so she got out from a side door and headed towards the bar where she encountered Dominic. The city was silent and cold, you could hear the chirps from grasshoppers and occasionally howling from dogs that were couple blocks down. Heart racing as she got closer to the bar, that night not many people were out at the bar. Especially that early, most people showed up at 1 at thus particular bar. 

Stopping dead in her tracks looking around, it seemed to quiet for her. Nothing about her surroundings didn't seem right to her, nor did it feel right. As soon as she was about to pass an ally way she was quickly taken by the arm and pinned against the wall with a hand over her mouth and the other on her arms. "Never thought I would see you here again" Dominic spoke as his breath stench with alcohol, his knee between her legs to stop her from using them. "I will say you're much more attractive upclose and non hostile." His lips near her ear making her shiver, he was always the bad boy with a charming, persuasive tone that somehow got to cavy. The woman wasn't resisting because she knew she wasn't going to get out of this one.

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