Chapter 08

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Tina was recovering quickly and was finally back on her feet. After weeks of no missions she wanted to do some training to make sure she hasn't lost her touch. She also brought all her mats out to test them out to make sure they didn't rust. She laid them out on the floor and threw an object on top of them to trigger them. All of a sudden she heard a yell coming from behind her.

Turning around it was maxim who was caught in it. Tears forming around his eyes as he winced and held himself up with one arm. "Why do you have these lying around..." he lifted an eyebrow. Tina chuckled walking over to the Russian male. "Well if you must know... I was in recovery for a while and wanted to check if my mats got rusty over time"

"Tina it has been a couple weeks not months, now will you please help me get this off" he struggled some words out of his mouth and tried to take it off himself. Tina laughed and bent down to pull back on the metal and folded the mat back up. "At least I know now that they work!" Trying to make a funny joke she stood up and helped maxim up.

"Anyways why are you here? Did Gustave send you here?!" The Canadian believed that instead of gustave pestering her, he sent out someone she could stand. Quickly he shook his head "haha no no. Of coarse no-" Tina decided to cut him off and got closer to him. "Or you wanted a little excuse to come see me?" Her accent always got to him, her beautiful eyes and how her jet black hair fell down. He got closer to her too and placed a hand on her cheek.

Heart beating fast. "No. I came because I have to confess to you. I love you Tina. Seeing you get hurt out on the field hurts and affects me a lot. When we go on missions it scares me to see your roam and me not being near by to help you out... I wanted to ask if you would like to be my girlfriend..." it was silent for a few seconds. Tina was still in awe. Her hand went over his as she was shocked. Did he really care for her that much. She smiled at him and nodded "of coarse" she leaned in for a small kiss on his cheek.

She turned around and picked up her mats and then turning her head back around as she winked at him and walked back out to her room to drop of her mats. The Russian was left in the middle of the room with a red blush across his face. He stood there gathering everything that just occurred and making sure he wasn't in a dream. Pinched his skin. Yep he was in reality.

He looked at his phone and changed tinas name to a cute little nickname. He snapped his fingers and put "snowflake❄️💙" he smiled and walked out of the training room with his heart still beating.

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