chapter 018

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          "Alright you have to tell the story now" Twitch spoke up as everyone was quiet and all eyes were on her. "Alright, the guys name is Alexander. Him and Caveira were a couple back in Brazil at the age of 17 right before she got arrested on robbery charges, she was constantly with him. They both terrorized Rio de Janeiro and different cities. They both grew up in poverty so they stole for their families. They had a fallout growing up, up until the age of 20 when she joined the mafia before joining rainbow. She would run missions, make sales, sneak in drugs from ports and will even kill those who do wrong. Eventually, she gave up the Mafia life and now Alexander wants her back to rejoin the mafia. Except he's the boss now, he was the son of the biggest mafia group that took over Brazil but he's dead due to a drive by. Now, his son took over what he left behind." No one spoke as they all took in the load of information. 

          "Wow...." Kapkan said in disbelief. " who knew she would be wrapped up in all of this" dokkabei looked at her team. "No one truly knows her well, maybe Mira might but she prefers to stay to herself majority of the time." Frost chirped in as she wrapped her arms around her boyfriend. "So what do we do? We can't really tell her not to go see him." The Russian rubbed his girlfriend's arm and lightly tugged for her to sit on his lap. "We can only let her be and hope she stays out of trouble and don't relapse" Dokkabei said sadly putting up her iPad back on her chest. "We'll be going. We got a dinner reservation tonight" Kapkan smiled at frost "it's a special night for us" A wide smile spread across his face while frost seemed confused "we do?" They both left the room to get ready.
          I looked down at the screen re-reading the message over and over while I run my hands through my hair "We can do one more heist like we used to in the old days.... What do you think?" Caveira groaned as she flopped back in her bed and rubbed her face. All of the memories of their times together and the moments they both were almost caught by police. While it was fun when they first did it she knew she couldn't participate anymore. "I can't. You know I joined Rainbow Six, I changed" caveira pressed the send button and threw her phone onto the dresser and headed to the shower.

          "I finally get to wear this dress tonight!" Frost shouted with joy and ran to the bathroom to change. Kapkan changed his outfit to a nice suit, he dug in his pocket to make sure he still had a small box. Feeling the outline he let out a sigh of relief and finished grooming his hair. Within 10 minutes she walked out wearing a tight strapless black dress with black flats on. "How do I look?" Leaning on the frame of the bathroom Kapkan looked over with wide eyes as he fumbled lightly as he made his way over holding her hand in his. "Very beautiful" giving her a twirl he brought her hand up and kissed them. "Should we be going?" He extended an arm for her to hold as her hands wrapped around them."We shall" they chuckled and headed out to the restaurant. They arrived In 35 minutes and saw there was a lot of people sitting and standing around. "Wow it's so packed I wonder how long it'll take to get seated" Her blue eyes scanned the perimeter as they parked and got out. Frost fixed herself and tugged her dress down a bit more. Walking up to the restaurant, then had to squeeze and zig zag through people to get to the podium. 

          The hostess looked up with a smile "Hello, do you have a reservation tonight? If not it'll be an hour and a half wait" She managed to pull a smile as if someone had already gotten mad at her for the wait time. "Yes the reservation is under Maxim" thank god for reservations. The hostess looked through the list on her screen and highlighted it "Sweet! I gotchu right here" She turned around handed a server two menus "Follow me this way" They followed her towards the second floor which was an open floor and they had a table on the side of the building where they were able to look at the city. The server placed the menus down in front of them "Good evening my name is Loona, I'll be serving you tonight and what can I get started for y'all to drink?" "We'll take Chardonnay" Frost smiled as the waitress wrote it down and left. 

          "I love this place! Italian is my favorite" her eyes started skimming the menu, there was a lot of good options to choose from. "Do you know what you want yet?" The Russians eyes peered up from the menu. "Most likely the crusted Parmesan chicken spaghetti, what about you?" A low hum escaped his mouth. "I was thinking of getting something simple. Lasagna" the waitress walked over and taking out her pen and notepad "What can I get for you today?" The couple said their order as the waitress picked up the menus "Your order will be out within 15 minutes" Smiling, she walked away. "How on earth did you get a reservation here?!? It's always booked and a pain in the ass to get one" curiosity lingered in her sentence. "Wellllll...." kapkan rubbed the back of his neck "What did you do?" frost had that look on her face as she squinted as if she was trying to read his face or get him to think she knew what he did. "Don't worry all jokes, it just took months to look into" He kept his cool in reassuring that nothing happened even though he knows damn well he went through great lengths to get the reservation.

          The couple chattered up a conversation while waiting for the food to arrive and before they knew it the food was being placed in front of them. The way the smoke was coming slightly from the chicken and you can definitely smell garlic. The way the cheese was melting in Maxim's lasagna was a mouth watering experience. "I hope you enjoy your food, let me know if you need anything else" the two took a mouthful of their food and just melted in their chairs. "Oh my god I need the recipe to his chicken! It is so good!" She continued grabbing large amounts and stuffing it down her throat. "Here try some" Cutting a little piece of chicken and placing it on his plate as she stabbed her fork into his Lasagna. As she pulled it towards her Strings of cheese started to fall out, taking a big bite she had to down it with some wine. "Wow this is amazing as well! we are for sure taking to go boxes back home." they ate for about 8 minutes before they asked for to go boxes. After they paid their bill they left the restaurant.

          "Lets put the food in the car and go for a walk at the park?" Maxim suggested as frost shook her head in approval. Luckily the park was a few blocks down from where they ate at so it wasn't much of a far walk but enough to let the food pass. It wasn't too busy and it was a calmer evening, perfect temperature and lighting as well. They walked for 6 minutes until they approached the gazebo and sat down for a few minutes. Maxim grabbed frost's hand and caressed it. "Tina, from the moment we met and the times we've covered each other ass on missions from almost getting killed I wanted to be with you forever." He stood up and got out the small box and getting down onto his knees "I love you so much and I want to spent the rest of my life being next to you and taking care of you, will you marry me?" He opened the small box to reveal a nice big diamond ring with blue gems on the side. "Oh my god...."


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