Chapter 021

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          Tiana arrived at his mansion once again, the guards stepped up to check to see if she was Clear of any weapons but before they could reach her the boss stepped out to stop them. "Amigos, no need. She has gained a bit of trust within me. No need to search her, I trust her" He smiles up at her as he extended an arm out to help her climbs the few stairs that lead to his porch. She stared at it before pushing it away and climbing up herself. "Ooo okay miss independence" He said in a sarcastic tone following behind her. "Alright let me just tell you the type of car we will be importing. For now we will start with one and see how we work as a team and if we haven't lost our magic touch" He spoke excitedly about the plan as she rolled her eyes.

          "They walk into his office with notes written on white boards and there was a picture of the vehicle they were going to bring. "Alright, the vehicle we are bringing into the U.S is a 2001 Nissan skyline R34 V-spec II. Which is a really nice car and I just want to keep it for a bit before I find a buyer. we will go to the airport and go through like normal over to Mexico and be dropped off where we need to pick up the car." Once the plan was explained they both caught an uber to the airport which was 30 minutes away. Upon arriving they went through checking their luggages In, TSA, and stopped to grab something to eat before heading to their gate. They arrived and hour and a half early in time. 

          Tiana held her ticket tightly in her hand as she just stared at it not yet believing this was all real to her. Ciudad Juárez was printed in bold as Alex's hand went over her hand that was holding the ticket "Don't worry, it'll be easy nothing will go wrong" He tries to reassure her but she just got more upset and got up and walked over to the big window pane looking at the airplanes and seeing the workers loading the luggages. Her phone vibrated as she looked down to see Elena, Mira, calling her. Letting out a sigh she picks up "Hola que pasa!" She says excitedly "I was wondering if there is anything you would like to do today, we could grab something to eat" Tiana sighs "I can't.." She paused trying to figure out what could be a good excuse that could make her gone all day "I had to fly to my parents in Brazil.... my umm grandmother is getting sick and the familia is worried that... she could pass so I flew in just incase" She tries to string a sadden tone into the conversation and you could tell Elena was sadden as well "Oh, Tiana I am so sorry, I hope everything turns out okay"

          "Everything will, I have to go. bye" She hung up and turned off her phone for now as she sat back down closing her eyes to get a nap in while she waited. An hour and a half goes by as she was awoken by Alex "Hey come on, we're boarding now" They both made there way to the gates and got on board. The flight attendants made sure the luggage overhead was closed and started a showing about safety on the plane. All while the plane was slowly rolling on the ramp getting ready to take off. Within ten minutes the plane picked up speed and took off. It was going to take a couple of hours to reach their destination. While on the plane people did their own thing, they either watched a movie, slept read or worked on their computers. Half way on the flight the attendants passed out drinks and food, there was the basic and then there were the sandwiches which Tiana decided to take up on.

          Hours later the plane landed finally. Once it parked everyone had gotten out and again they had to go through everything again. It was aggravating but at the same time it was good because this meant they wanted to be safe from any possible threats. Once they made it outside of the airport a guy by the name Tops picked them up and took them to his location. "So you want to get the skyline? I know you're from the U.S and they're illegal there. Are you positive there will be no trace that I sold it." He was trying to protect his ass just incase something happens to him. He stared directly at Alex who is good at making deals. "Yep I am positive, I'll give you money in cash and we won't sign any documents, not even a title. I just want to keep it inside my mansion as a collectors item" He was firm on his words as the driver just shrugged it off. "Whatever you say" They arrived to a warehouse where the vehicle is at. 

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