"In- in the future, Daju!" Takemichi quickly exclaimed, holding his hands up in defense.

"I would hope so! Jeez..." She let out a sigh as she headed for their little group with Baji close behind. "You can't scare me like that Take."

"Well..." Takemichi turned to Naoto with a smile, "sorry for calling you out here all of a sudden, Naoto." Then he held his right hand up for him to shake.

"You're goin' now, huh?" Baji quietly asked, almost to himself.

"Yeah..." Danny gave him a small smile. "Think you can deal with the other me for 12 years?"

The corner of his mouth lifted up slightly. "Yeah. But, first..."

She let out a hum as she turned her head toward him. Her eyes widened at the feeling of something soft and warm against her lips. It took her half a second for her to realize what was happening, and right as she did, she felt that all-too-familiar jolt that came with time-leaping.

Her vision, which was once blocked by Baji's face and black hair was replaced with a hall full of people in suits and dresses. The walls were decorated with ornate wallpaper and pristine white trim boards.

She blinked once, then twice, all the while feeling her ears heat up from what just happened. To try and distract herself from those thoughts, she looked down, first seeing the familiar sight of her dyed-blonde hair and then a not-too-familiar sight of a dark green suit dress. For how nice it looked, the material felt surprisingly nice.

"I'm back. Ready ta go?"

Danny's gaze quickly flitted to her left at the sound of the familiar voice. At the sight of Baji's face, she could feel her face heat up a bit more.

He looked almost exactly the same as the last time she had seen him in the future timeline. His demeanor and everything though was different. He seemed a lot more relaxed, a lot more happy even. He didn't have that hardened air around him like he did that time. 

As if it was as natural as breathing, he slipped his right hand into her left and gave her one of his signature smiles that revealed a bit of his canines.

Feeling a little more heat rise to her face from the actions, she turned her head and lightly kicked the side of his leg. "Asshole..." she grumbled as she tried to hide her blush.

His brows furrowed a moment, then a light chuckle left his lips when he realized what was going on. "Good ta have you back, Daju. Come on," he began pulling her along, "we're runnin' late."

"Who's getting married anyway?" Danny asked as she quickly matched pace with him.

"Pah-chin. Don't ask me how, but that idiot's the first to get hitched outta everyone."

Danny chuckled lightly at that. Then, they entered the wedding hall just as the other guests were getting seated.

"Daju! Baji!" Quietly calling out and waving the two over was certainly a sight for sore eyes.

She's alive, Danny thought as she headed over. As she walked, her eyes scanned over the rest of the room. Almost everyone's here. A small smile spread on her face. Deciding to just enjoy the moment for now and play catchup later, she took the seat next to Sayu with Baji taking the seat to her right, leaving two empty seats to his right.

"Took you guys long enough," Kazutora said with a bit of a grin. Like the last timeline, his hair was grown out with those two signature blonde streaks, but he had it pulled back. And unlike the serious air he once had, he seemed a lot more laid back. 

Despite that smile though, Danny could tell something was weighing on his mind.

"Betcha Baji was taking a dump," Chifuyu joked with a small laugh. And this time, Chifuyu was alive.

Living A Dead Dream (Baji x OC)Where stories live. Discover now