4 | lovely lady

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"Stella what is that?" He looked confused at the burn marks on my arm. "It's just a bruise."

"Yeah no shit I can tell. Where is it from?" I had to come up with an excuse, fast. My mind started spinning and the only thing I let out was, "just you know, hurt my arm at the airport, it's stupid I accidentally ran into a pole."

His ocean eyes observed my face. I was holding my facade hoping he won't see through the lies. "Are you sure Stella? It looks really bad."

"Yes I'm sure thank you, now let's get upstairs I'm exhausted." With that he silenced and started walking behind me. We got up to the fifth floor chatting casually. He was nice, very nice, we talked a little about the show. "So this is it. It's two floors and you and the girls have your own floor, me and the rest of the guys sleep downstairs." He twisted the key in the lock hole and opened the door, holding it for me.

I walked in to see a beautiful house. The living room was huge, it had white comfy looking couches and a big tv. The kitchen was beautiful too. There was a high counter that connected to the kitchen counters a stove, oven, a huge pantry and a fridge. I saw that there was also a balcony, it had an ocean view and a set of chairs with a small table.

Maddie got downstairs and greeted me and Rudy as he walked up with the bags. She showed which room was for each of the guys downstairs and where the bathroom downstairs was. Rudy disappeared into his room while me and Maddie went up.

My room was plain white, only waiting for me to wash over it like a wave of colours and decorations. There was a big bed, a dresser, a vanity with a mirror, a tv and a bathroom that connected to the other girls rooms. I took about an hour to put all my stuff away and changed, this time instead of risking it I'll just wear long sleeves.

 I took about an hour to put all my stuff away and changed, this time instead of risking it I'll just wear long sleeves

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After changing and dredging up I went downstairs to be met with literally everyone. "Hey guys what's up?"

"Oh hi Stella, come sit with us." Chase said to me from his seat on the couch. I was smiled at by everyone as I sat down between the girls. "You guys wanna do something? I've finished unpacking so I'm basically free for the day." I suggested.

"We should get to know you more, and you should get to know us." JD pointed. "Yeah Stella, tell us about yourself." Drew suggested towards me. "What do you guys wanna know? Ask away."

"Alright um, how did you get the part?" Chase asked. "Well basically I woke up the morning after the Oscar's when my agent Abby called me. She said that Jonas saw me at the Oscar's, and watched a few of my shows and films and that he wanted me for a part in his show, then she said I have three hours to be at the airport and the rest is history I guess."

Everyone was looking at me while speaking, looking genuinely interested when Drew spoke up. "Do you enjoy being that famous? You're ten times more known than all of us combined."

"I guess what I love is the job, the attention  isn't what I'm looking for, but it's a package deal." We sat there for about another hour talking, everyone was laughing telling stuff about themselves, and I was telling them weird backstage and red carpet stories.

"And then ten minutes before the red carpet started my heel broke! And I was standing there completely clueless when Taylor swift came up to me and she was like 'hi I have an extra pair of black heels if you want, saw your movie by the way it was fire.' So of course I took the shoes and I mean it's Taylor and I kept talking to her that night she's such a good soul."

That night I learned a lot about the group, I got to know them so much, and they truly are awesome. I found out that Chase and Mads are dating, JD has a dog and a weird obsession with fruit snacks, Drew is considering a buzz cut these days and Austin is afraid of the dark, also Maddie told me the story of how she met her girlfriend, it was really cute. There was one person tonight that talked a lot, but didn't say much about himself.

Later everyone went to sleep but I was still quite awake. I found myself climbing to the roof to sit there and watch the stars , they've always fascinated me. I sat down leaning against a wall on the roof when I heard footsteps coming towards me. "Hi, want some company?"

I turned my head to the side to see Rudy standing above me, wearing light grey sweats and a black hoodie, his hair was a little messed up as the light blonde waves fell lightly on his forehead. I motioned him with my head to sit beside me and he did.

As he sat down I felt his shoulder touch my skin. As an instinct I flinched away and moved a few inches away from the boy who looked at me worriedly. "So Pankow, can't sleep?"

"No not really, I saw you get out of the apartment, and figured since it was late I shouldn't leave you alone at night, it's not safe. Why did you go up here?"

"I love looking at the stars, thinking, they remind me of my mom."

"What is she like?"

"She was a lovely lady. Always kind, her smile was always the brightest in the room, she was brave, and smart, but she hid away her feelings and it ended up blowing up in her face."

"She was? When did she.."

"when I was 15." I cut him off before he could finish his sentence, wanting to prevent him from saying that word which I feared most. "Why are we talking so much about me though?" I chuckled trying to get the attention towards him.

"You don't like talking about yourself do you? Why not Emerson?" Because I hate showing my feelings since I'm afraid of getting hurt again, because every time I opened up to someone they either hurt me or ended up dead, was what I would've said if I told the truth.

"Just don't like the attention so much. Why did you follow me?" He started fiddling with his rings looking down. "I told you it is late and..." I cut him off mid sentence. "Not tonight. At the Oscar's. Why did you follow me out to the balcony?"

He looked taken aback by my question, and took a second to answer me. "Because I looked at you, and you didn't look at peace, at all. That's what my dad always taught me, to help people when they look anxious or bothered. He taught me all kinds of things. He is a big part of who I am today."

"That's really cool Pankow, I'm glad you're so close with your dad." Wish I could say the same for me and my dad. "What about your dad, what is he like?"

The question I dread most. As soon as the word dad left his lips my body stiffened and I got cold, starting to get goose bumps. "That's a conversation for a different night, I'm tired I think I'll head out. Good night Pankow."

"Good night Emerson." With that I got out of there. As much as he is nice and fun to talk to, he really asks too many questions. I should be careful with my answers.

The stars and the sun- Rudy Pankow Where stories live. Discover now