21 | like it easy

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The day after I woke up at 7 am. The sunlight gleaming from my window and washing over my senses in a trapping way of comfort filled my mind with energy for work.

Today we had a full filming day, all day and all night. The set was finally ready, and today we have the important mission of filming the entire chapter eight in a single day. I wore a basic outfit and headed down the stairs.

As I walked, the house looked empty, yet a scent of strong black coffee filled the bottom floor. I walked down to see a tall figure making coffee, and given the height and hair, recognised him instantly.

"Morning Starkey."

I said as my best friend jumped in surprise, almost spilling his black coffee on his grey joggers. "Holy shit Stells, morning." He laughed. When he grabbed his cup and went to sit at the counter to drink, I went to the machine and started making my iced coffee.

Drew's voice once more filled up the empty space. "So, big day today huh?" He stated. "Yeah I mean, an entire chapter in one day? That's actually crazy." He hummed in response.

"Stells I... I'm sorry, that I never noticed." I looked as he watched me grabbing my tumbler and leaning against the counter facing him. "How were you supposed to notice? I never told you guys. I'm just grateful I had Pankow with me."

A smile covered his face, going all the way from one ear to another. "You and Pankow huh?"

He asked and gave me that "you know what I mean" look. "What about me and Pankow?" I shrugged his question off. "You guys spend a lot of time together, also if I'm not wrong you guys have a lot of intimate scenes to film today." Drew smirked at me.

"Actually, I haven't even read the scene titles for today, so I have no idea what we're filming Starkey." I smiled at drew and he rolled his eyes, then looked at the nice watch he had on his left wrist. "We should head out though."

He said and got up, I looked at the clock on the wall which wrote 7:25 am, we were supposed to be there by 7:30. "Perfect timing." I said and grab my things. "You're taking the car?"

"You're coming?"

"You know it Stells."

I grabbed the keys to my car and we headed down to set, the others were already there filming a sunrise scene, luckily to Drew and I, we weren't in it so we got to sleep in. When we got to set we were both immediately called for hair and makeup, no one else from the cast was there as they were still filming.

After we were done with hair makeup and outfits, a crew member came in the trailer and called us both to the first scene of the day. Drew and I walked together towards the beach set and spotted the entire group standing and talking to Jonas.

Rudy's pov

As me, Chase, Mads, Maddie, JD and Austin were getting instructions for the next scene from Jonas, I heard the familiar laugh and turned my head to see Drew and Stella arriving.

They were walking and talking and I could see that beautiful smile splattered across her face. I loved seeing her smile, but I like them more when I cause them.

It's not that I mind that she hangs out with Drew though, we're just friends. She just looked really at peace, I noticed that some other times.

The stars and the sun- Rudy Pankow Where stories live. Discover now