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Rudy and I sat at the beach for two more hours after that. He was so gentle and caring, he's the only one that never seems to pity me. I know the others don't try to, but it'll always feel like it. Plus he's been through it too, which I'm still not used to knowing.

He's a beam of sunlight, he is like the cold water you drink after a long hike on a warm day, like sleeping in your own bed after being on vacation, like flipping your pillow to the cooler side, even like the feeling you of a summer rain, or a sunny day in the middle of winter. He is a great friend and a great person, better than I'll ever be.

When we sat there, on the sand as he hugged me, I felt this weird feeling, as if I was being watched even.

After Jonas called and cancelled the filming day, we returned to the car. The drive was quiet, but comfortably quiet. This sunrise run was a turning point in mine and Rudy's relationship, friendship.

He saw the mark, we talked it all through, cried, he told me about how he used to do that in high school. All of that and I haven't even mentioned the fact that we almost kissed. But that was at the heat of the moment, it would never be anything more than a friendship, we're just like this.

We got back to see everyone already in the apartment, I went up to my room and changed into something comfy when I heard Mads and Maddie calling my name from the room next to mine.

"Um Stella I think you should come here!" I heard the voice washing over the hallways as I walked quickly into Mads' room. "What happened?"

I saw both of them sitting on madelyn's bed looking into her phone. "I think you should come see this." I sat next to Maddie and they passed me the phone.

It was an article just published, it was getting thousands of comments and shares. And at the top of the article, a picture of Rudy and I, at the beach. Then another picture, taken from further away, of us sitting in the trunk of his car, just speaking, with his guitar in my lap.

I started reading.

successful award winning actress Stella Emerson spotted with outerbanks star Rudy Pankow at the beach in South Carolina, all detailed we know in the article:

The world wide sensation, Stella Emerson who just this year broke a record for winning the same Oscar award twice for the same rule, has been spotted this morning, at 6:54 at the beach with outerbanks star Rudy Pankow. The two stars had first met in the last Oscar award several months ago, ever since then we get a lot of pictures and mentions of the two spending time together alone or with different outerbanks cast members. Rumor had it that Stella Emerson will be joining obx for the second season of the show, fans had been going crazy over the evidence to the couple's relationship forming. Since the couple had met several months ago, they were seen together a lot, often in the early hours of the morning. In the picture taken by one our website's photographers, we can see the couple inside the trunk of a car, and Emerson is seemed to have a very large red cut mark on her leg. Bruises similar to that were visible in different pictures of the couple which had led fans to think Pankow might be having a hard time controlling his anger, and his new girl might be just a little bit too nice. Fans online had already started attacking and unfollowing Pankow and we joined them of course. So what do you think?

What is the world have I just read? "Is there more?" I asked the girls and Maddie opened twitter, showing me recent tweets that had gone viral.

"Rudy Pankow is a shame to all man"

"She will ruin obx 2"

"Stella Emerson will date any guy that looks her way. Slut."

"Rudy Pankow deserves jail for abuse of women."

And there were 237,850 more.

What in the world is going on here? People actually think Rudy is beating me up? He's the greatest person I've met, that boy cannot hurt a fly.

My head was spinning, that was none of their business. I have a life outside my job, fame and money. What's going on between me and him is no paparazzi's business.

My thoughts came running, one after the other. I grabbed my phone and opened TikTok, the girls just looked at me as I started looking through the fyp. I saw I was tagged over 4,300 times just this Morning in different videos.

"Stella? Are you alright?" Mads asked me, rubbing my shoulder. I rubbed my face aggressively and said, "I gotta show this to Rudy." I ran down stairs and saw JD and Drew watching TV in the living room, they looked at me quite confused.

"Morning Stells" drew said.

"Morning guys, where is Rudy?" JD pointed towards his room and I went up to the door and knocked.

When there was no answer I knocked again. I began opening the door when at the same time, he opened it from inside. Our eyes met and he opened the door wider, letting Chase out. I walked into his too in silence.

We both sat on his bed in uncomfortable silence, until he got the courage to speak up. "Did you see it?" I nodded and looked at him. "What do we do?"

I asked and he looked at me, his beautiful ocean eyes colliding with mine. "I don't know Stella, it's bad." I moved and sat next to him, my back against the wall, and put my head on his shoulder. "The whole world is talking about us."

"Rudy...." He cut me off.

"Stella, people think I'm an abuser! And word got out that you're on obx 2 which Jonas will kill us for. And the entire world thinks we're a couple. It's gonna ruin my career."

He grabbed his face in his hands and I hugged him. "I would never, not in a million years lay my hand on you. Never Stella."

I played with his hair to calm him down a bit, " I know."

The stars and the sun- Rudy Pankow Where stories live. Discover now