2 | list of winners

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"Hi, ok you okay?"

The blonde boy I had seen earlier was standing in front of me. His voice was soft and worried and a sceptical expression was covering his features. I was staring at him for what was probably a few milliseconds when I realised was he was seeing. He can't he me like this, no one can.

"Yes, yes I'm fine. Just allergies, you know." I lightly chuckled in a way of making my quite dumb excuse looking believable.

"Are you sure? Because you looked quite frozen in there with everyone staring at you on stage. I get that, really." Fuck. Come on Stella, you're a better actress than this. What are all these Oscar's for?

Hide it. Hide it. Block it. Block it. Bottle it all up. He can't know. You have a reputation. You better fucking keep it up.

"Stage nerves? As if. I'm an experienced award winning record breaking actress. I don't have stage nerves, people all around the world have seen me on their screens. The only thing that bothers me now is the fact that you have lotion on your hands and thought it was a good idea to touch my dress, thank you have a good night."

With that I blinked my eyes a few times, pulled my shoulders up and bottled down all the shit that was bothering me. I walked away leaving the blonde guy with a shocked expression and an open mouth.

"Wait!" At the sound of his voice I stopped in my tracks pulling my relaxed expression on and turning around, my heels were making a loud bang noise. "Don't I get to know your name?" I sighed. What a stupid question was that.

"You can go look up the list of winners from tonight. I'll be there under best actress, good night." I condescendingly said and left the balcony quickly. That was close. I can't let those stupid things happen again, I thought to myself. At least I'll never see this guy again. I don't need people questioning my quite weird behaviour.


I woke up the next morning to the loud sound of my phone ringing. Groaning loudly I rubbed my eyes and picked up the device from my nightstand. I looked at the caller ID to see the name ABBY printed onto it. I pressed receive and put the phone to my ear.

"Abby I swear to god if you don't have a fucking good excuse to be calling me at 8am in the damn morning I swear I'll come after you."

"Morning love you too bitch. You're listening ?"

"Yeah why what happened."

"So you know Jonas Pate?"

"Yeah of course I love all his works, why?"

"He saw you last night at the Oscar's. He was there with a cast of one of his shows. They are starting to film season two for the show and they've been looking for a new actress for a main character."

"Ok so does he want me to audition? Yeah sure i can do that."

"No stell let me finish, they are filming season two starting tomorrow. He says that after the Oscar's last night he watched a few of your other shows and movies. He wants you. You got a part without even auditioning, Stella."

Her last sentence hit me. I got a part just like that. A person had a character in mind and they wanted me to bring it to life. The enthusiasm of having a new character, hit me like a wave every time. " where and when tomorrow?" I heard Abby sigh out in relief.

"That's my girl. South Carolina, if you want I can get you a flight that leaves in 4 hours. First table read is tomorrow at 9am. they have an apartment complex for all the young actors. He said you can move in with them. There are about seven of them." Seven? I can't live with seven people.

"Abby I can't."

"Come on it's a huge house it'll be good for you. I'm giving him the green light. Be at the airport in 4 hours." With that she hung up the phone, and I got up and started packing immediately.


StellaEmerson posted on instagram!

StellaEmerson posted on instagram!

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Liked by Sydneysweeney, zendaya and 3

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Liked by Sydneysweeney, zendaya and 3.6 million more
StellaEmerson see you later LA🤍🛩️

Sydneysweeney you've always been the queen of airport fits
Amandaseyfried that's my gorgeous young Donna right there!
User guys where is she going??
~User are we getting a new role of hers??
~User im so confused rn

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