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The weekend came by quickly. I've been having a great time in Charleston so far, and we have just this weekend until filming starts. Living with everyone got us all so close, I especially connected with the girls, the three of us now are basically a close trio which is incredible.

Today was the first day of stunt filming, the stunts were mostly filmed right now just not including all the talking and stuff, apparently all the actors here have stunt doubles, that really weird, I've never had one. 

We started the day off by filming a scene of JJ and Jocelyn running away from someone, I'm not sure who because we don't have the script yet, but we needed to run and jump on the Twinkie while Chase, Mads, Maddie and JD were inside. That's quite a simple stunt so it's alright.

"Ok Rudy, Stella. What I want you to do you run as fun as you can, and just stop right where we sign you, then you'll be replaced by the stunt doubles and they'll do the rest, alright?" Jonas was instructing me and Rudy for the scene, but that didn't sit right with me, I've always loved doing my own stunts, at my own risk. It makes it all so much more enjoyable and emotional.

"Wait Jonas, I'll do the jump myself."Rudy furrowed his eyebrows at me, "Emerson, no. It's super dangerous. You can't just run and jump into a moving vehicle." His scepticism annoyed me.

"Yes I can Pankow thank you, I've done those things Before Jonas. Every stunt that you see a character of mine doing was me, not a double. It's so much more exciting, plus it'll be a lot easier for you to edit. What do you say Jonas?" I looked at Jonas waiting for his answer, but I knew I could do it. I workout, i go on runs a lot, and I've done these kind of stunts before.

"We can give that a try. How about we try once just you? Without Rudy just to see how you're handling it." I nodded happily in agreement. "Emerson, that's a really bad idea. You're not gonna nail it and you'll just hurt yourself."

Rudy's pov

Doing this stunt herself is so stupid of her. She'll get hurt. Not that I care that much but it can mess up the schedule, I thought to myself. "Don't you worry Pankow, I got this."

With a swift motion she pulled her hair up in a ponytail and took her curtain bangs out, she was fascinating I'll give her that one, fascinating but completely psychotic.

That girl will accidentally kill herself someday. She stood in the starting point with the cameras positioned, they didn't tell Chase, who was driving the Twinkie anything, just to get a raw reaction, he was just instructed on where to slow down and stuff.

Jonas yelled action and the show begun. "Wait! John B!" Stella yelled and she started speeding up her pace. "Shit he can't hear us, c'mon JJ we gotta run for it."

Then she started running, never I'm my life have I seen someone run like that, she was in great shape. It looked like if there a wall in her way she would just run straight through it.

There was a muddy puddle in the middle of her way next to a tree which they originally wanted her to go around it  to ignore it, but that crazy mind of hers thought different. She ran up to the puddle grabbing a big flying branch and using it to jump like a monkey bar. She landed on her feet of course.

She ran up as fast as she could, lined up on the road with the Twinkie, JD who was the first to spot her got nervous but went on, improvising completely. "Jocelyn what are you doing? John B stop the car!"

The stars and the sun- Rudy Pankow Where stories live. Discover now