3 | green trailer

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During the flight I read a little bit about the show. It was one I've never watched but I've heard of it. I was sitting in my seat reading the information page I've received from Jonas on my laptop. The character is named "Jocelyn Raven Hammersmith" quite the name may I add. I read a little bit about her, her parents, her traits, relationships with other characters, she looked like quite the girl.

The page said that she is 16 almost 17 and will have a love interest during the season, another character called JJ Maybank. I've never watched the show but maybe I will when I get there. After the table read the schedule said that there is a week of just stunt training. I closed down my laptop and let my eyes flicker close and I drifted off to sleep.

Rudy's pov

Somewhere around 8pm I arrived back at Charleston  for season two. I got out of my car with my friends since we all rode together back from LA after the Oscar's. sadly Jonas didn't win best director, it was the director of Euphoria, Sam Levinson. Jonas was a little disappointed but he said that it only gives him more motivation for season two. I'm just a little disappointed that Euphoria won two categories and one of them they won over us. Their main actress was so arrogant and stuck up that night, so what if she has like a million best actress Oscar's?

Chase and I got out of the car, with Madelyn and Madison behind us. "Im never getting in a car again, I swear." Mads shot the car door angrily.

"36 fucking hours dude, I'm never going to the Oscar's again. Someone wanna get Chinese?" Chase has always been a Chinese food type of guy, that and cheese itz.

"Guys we should just go back to the apartment and sleep. We have a table read that 9am tomorrow."

"Yeah guys Bailey's right, Chase, Mads you guys coming?"

"Yeah we'll get the stuff from the car tomorrow." Chase muttered looking exhausted. We got in the complex and found our door. It's been a year since we lived in this apartment, Drew, Austin and JD were already there as we arrived, they were all knocked out in their original rooms when I found the way to mine, it looks exactly like it did last year. I collapsed on my bed drifting away.

Back to Stella's pov

I looked at my watch to see the time showing 8:30am. Shit. I have thirty minutes to get to the table read. I looked around only to realise I fell asleep in the Starbucks drive through. I ordered my usually coffee, extra strong and hit the road.

It was 9.04am when I saw the sign that said Charleston. I pulled up in the parking lot of the location Jonas had sent me, already being ten minutes late. "Hi excuse me, where is the outer banks table read?" I asked on of the crew members, or so it said that on her shirt.

" Who are you sweetheart?"

"I'm the new actress, Stella Emerson, I'm playing Jocelyn."

"Oh Jonas has been waiting for you, it's right there."  She pointed at a big green trailer and I ran up there fixing the outfit I've changed into after the flight, I was only scared that the foundation and colour corrector on my arms won't melt away.

I opened the door and got inside, a bit nervous

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I opened the door and got inside, a bit nervous.
"Hi I'm sorry I'm late, my flight got delayed." I first saw Jonas who came up to me.

"Hi dear so nice to meet you, I can't wait to work with you. Cast please meet Stella, she was the missing piece to our puzzle, she'll be playing Jocelyn." I looked around at the faces recognising the group I saw at the Oscar's.

The two girls, the dark skinned boy, the one with big eyes and long fluffy brunette hair, the two with the light brown hair, and the blonde guy. The same one that came up to me at the balcony, oh lord.

"Hi, I'm Stella nice to meet you." Everyone waved and smiled at me as Jonas instructed me to sit in the spot that was labelled with my character's named. Everyone had labels of their and their characters name. I sat between the blonde boy and the brunette girl.

"Hi oh my god it's so nice to meet you! I'm madison, but you can call me Maddie. I'm playing Kiara." I side hugged her and smiled back, she looked like a nice girl, her eyes showed that she truly meant only kindness. "Nice to meet you." I laughed and looked my other direction as I heard a low voice saying my name.

"Stella Emerson?" I turned to face the blonde boy, he had a little smirk on his face as he observed my eyes. "That's me. And you?"

"Rudy Pankow, we've met once right?"

"Three days ago at the Oscar's, on the balcony."

"You know I did end up finding your name at the best actress winning list, world record is quite special."

"Well thank you. And who are you playing?"

" JJ Maybank." Oh god.

This is my love interest? For real?

"Jocelyn Hammersmith, nice to meet you." I needed to keep my face serious and emotionless. Even seeing a single teardrop fall from my eyes was too much with this guy, with anyone actually.

We got through the table read of the first episode, it was alright but I was exhausted. When we finished the rest of the cast came by to greet me. "Hi! Oh my god you're gorgeous! I'm madelyn, you can call me Mads." The blonde girl whose name is apparently Mads looked genuinely happy to see me, which didn't happen often. She was taller than me and hugged me over the shoulders.

The rest came by to introduce themselves. "Hi what's up? I'm Chase."

"JD nice to meet you ma'am."

"I'm Austin, how are you?"

"I'm good thanks."

"I'm Drew, welcome to obx." The last one was a very tall guy, at least 6'1. I hugged everyone and Maddie and Rudy joined the rest of us.

"So wait you're moving in with us right? It's so fun you'll love it." Madelyn's soft voice questioned me as I took a second to consider the answer. "Yeah I guess. You guys don't mind right?"

"Well considering the fact that your show took our Oscar we might have to think about it but..." Mads arm slapped Chase as the group started laughing.

"I'll take that as a yes." We all got out of there and I went to grab my stuff from my rented car. I saw them all starting to walk up into the building but saw one person stayed behind.

"You need help with that?" Rudy suggested fiddling with a toothpick in his mouth. The boy was hot, I'll give him that. But he got way too close to seeing things he shouldn't have.

"I think I got it thanks." I fake smiled. "Come on, let me help you. I'll just get that bag for you." Before I could argue, he pulled the strap of my backpack that was lying loosely on one of my shoulders.

My body stiffened at his touch and he looked taken aback when he saw my skin's reaction. He proceeded to grab the bag which heavily swiped down on my arm causing my arm makeup to smudge and reveal two purple burn marks on my mid arm.

fucking hell.

The stars and the sun- Rudy Pankow Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora