part 9

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***seven years ago***

It was Friday and you were so excited about your date with Jake!

You were on a video call with Amelia as you were getting ready. You put on a cute purple pastel-coloured dress and did some light makeup.

"Ahh, I can't wait to see him!", you smiled and jumped in excitement.

"Aww, he's going to be so smitten by you!"

"Oh stooop~", you chuckled and blushed a little by that thought.

At seven pm sharp did your door bell ring and he also texted you since you also exchanged numbers.
"Ah, he's here! I'll tell you everything later!", you hung up, touched up your hair, took your purse and put in your phone.

Quickly you ran downstairs and opened the door. "Hey Jake!", you both smiled at each other.

"Oh wow, hey, y/n! You look absolutely beautiful!", he smiled and walked his hair through his hair, his other hand he held behind his back.

You started to blush a little: "Thank you so much! You also look really handsome yourself!"

"Oh, thank you so much too!"

You both smiled and then he got his other hand from behind him and revealed a bouquet of orchids and tulips. "Beautiful flowers for a beautiful girl."

"Woah oh my god, that's so beautiful and so sweet, thank you so much!", you took the bouquet and sniffed the flowers.

"Wait, let me put them into a vase real quick!", you said but then stopped.

"What's wrong?", Jake asked and you just pulled him inside. "It's pretty cold, why don't you wait inside?"

He chuckled and closed the door: "That's really sweet, thank you, y/n."

You both smiled at each other a little longer, then you quickly walked to find a vase. Luckily your mom just recently put away old flowers but let the vase on the table in the living room, so you took it, put some water in it and then put the bouquet in it.

Then you walked back to your date.

"Now we're ready to go.", you smiled and he smiled too. "Let's go!"

The two of you walked closely next to one another and talked about all sorts of things until you arrived at the cinema.

"Hmm, how about this one?", you excitedly pointed at a Disney movie but he had a different plan: "how about this?" He pointed at a horror movie, making you gulp.

"I don't know... they can be really scary..."

"I'm here to protect you~", he smirked and bit his lip, making you look at his lips but then quickly back at the poster of the movie.

"We can hold each other~", you looked back at him, he was smiling but also blushing, "if that's okay by you though... so what do you say?"

"Okay, fine by me.", you stared at one another and smiled until you realised that and suggested you two should stay in line, so he quickly cleared his throat and then you did that.

You let out a scream as you were surprised by the jump scare and almost jumped Jake as your hands held onto him. He was just as scared but he just chuckled and held your hands and put his other arm around your shoulder.
Embarrassed you looked up to him and he looked at you. "I'm sorry about that..."

"Don't worry about it, I'm here to protect you~", he smiled at you.

Damn, you two were so close but you didn't want your first kiss just like that without knowing much about him.

racer boyfriend | Yeonjun ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora