part 8

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It was in the middle of the night, you couldn't sleep but it was exhausting, standing there all the time since the chain wasn't long, making it impossible to even get on your knees.

A sigh left your mouth, the handcuffs were hurting your wrists.

What happened to Jake? This wasn't the one you knew.
Well, years went by and you also changed, so he must had changed as well but you never thought he could end up like this, literally kidnapping someone...

Suddenly the door got opened again, you couldn't see who it was until they turned on the light. It was one of Jake's helpers.

"What do you want?", you glared at him, making him chuckle.

"There's something you should see.", he took out his phone.

Confused you looked at him: "Why would I look at anything you show me?"

"Hmm, perhaps because your boyfriend is in it?"

"He is? What do you have to show me about him??"

"Now you're interested, huh?", he got closer, stood next to you and played a video.

It was dark, you couldn't see anything but hear their voices.

Someone laughed and you could head Jake say: "Shush, he shouldn't hear you."

Then there was the rusty house you and Yeonjun had stayed in for the past days.
What the hell were they doing there??


Slowly one of them opened the door and immediately you heard your boyfriend: "Babe, finally- what the fuck?!"

You saw him run away but the one filming and another ran after him and easily caught him. They laughed at him and the camera was shoved in his face.

"Aw, look who we have here! Y/n's weak boyfriend~", Jake said.

"Fuck off!", Yeonjun shouted, "what the hell did you do to y/n?!"

Jake just chuckled: "Nothing, at least not for now. Well, let's see what we'll do with you~"

The guy filming showed two of them dragging away Yeonjun after they drugged him with something.

Jake shouted: "Look for his stuff, we're gonna have fun with that."

Then suddenly the guy with the phone took it away from you and put it away.

"What the fuck is wrong with you people?! What did you give him??"

He didn't answer.

Since the door was still opened, you started shouting: "Yeonjun! Babe, I'm here! Where are-"

The guy pressed his hand onto your mouth: "Shut up, he won't hear you anyways."

You could hear someone walking down the stairs and then of course, none other than Jake stood in the doorway.

"We're gonna have fun tomorrow.", he smirked and you gulped.

What was his plan?

Please not let him be Heeseung 2.0...

"But as I said, it's not about love, it's about revenge, so don't be afraid, shorty~"

"What are we going to do?"

"Oh, you'll see~"

So, the next morning he entered again but... in Yeonjun's clothes??

"What the fuck? Why are you wearing his clothes? Where is he?!"

"Relax, he's fine, for now. But let's go, I told you we were going to have fun~", he freed you from the handcuffs.

A guy with a gun followed, so you couldn't scream.

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