part 7

28 2 4

***Seven years ago***

Amelia and you laughed as you left the school building.

"His face was hilarious, oh my god.", you laughed, thinking back of just moments ago.

"Well, I said what I said.", she laughed too and walked towards the entrance with you.

"I should keep that quote in mind. I don't dress to impress."

"It's good, right?"

"Too good.", you smirked and turned towards her as you both stopped at the entrance. She also turned towards you.

"Well. Gotta go, I really have to get started on studying for science.", Amelia groaned annoyed at the thought of it.

You just chuckled: "You're just starting today?"

"Oh yeah, I study better under pressure.", she joked and you nodded.

"Well then, bye cutie.", you said and both of you hugged.

Then your ways separated. While she walked towards home, you went to the bus station next to the school and sat on an empty seat.

The next day, as you were still waiting for her at the entrance, one of the basketball players of your school walked passed by you, well, no, he actually stopped right in front of you, making you confused.

He walked his hand through his soft fluffy hair and flashed you a sweet smile, you were mesmerised by him but you quickly snapped out of it as he greeted you: "Good morning, y/n!"

Still quite baffled, even more so that he knew your name but fastly you said: "Oh uh, good morning- uhm..."

"Jake.", he smiled as his eyes sparkled. What the? He was pretty cute. But what did he want from you?

"Uhh okay, Jake.", you slightly nodded and smiled.

"Uhmm, yeah, so, I was wondering... well, I think you're really cute, so I wanted to ask you if you're free on Friday...?"

Perplexed you stared at him, then quickly answered: "Oh uh, yes? But I'm just like at home, watching movies or so."

He nodded, kinda chuckled: "How about at the cinema?"

"The cinema? But then I'd- oh wait wait, shit, you're asking me out, aren't you?"

Jake scratched his neck and chuckled again, damn, that was cute. "Yes, I am. So, what do you say? I'll pick you up at seven?"

You quickly nodded and smiled: "I'd like that!"

He also smiled and touched your shoulder: "Great! Can't wait ~"

You both smiled again, then he left, leaving you flabbergasted yet excited. This was the first time a guy asked you out! Ahh, then he also was so cute!

Amelia walked towards you and smiled at you: "Heyyy y/n!"

"Oh good morning, Amelia!", you smiled too and hugged her.

She laughed a little and you both started to walk inside the school: "Now what happened that I missed?~"

"Oh my god...", you started, "Jake asked me out!"

She kinda smirked: "Jake, our classmate?"

"No no no! Jake from the basketball team!", you smiled and opened your locker.

She cleared her throat and then smiled: "Whaaaat? He asked YOU out?"

"Yes! Why would you say it like that?", you kinda chuckled about her silliness and got a book of yours and closed the locker again.

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