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The weekend couldn't have come soon enough. Between having Jouno settle into school, and managing an increasingly grumpy Bakugo, Todoroki had his hands full. So, to try and take his mind off of things, Uraraka had decided to take everyone to walk around the mall. She realized in hindsight that there were two problems with this. For one thing, Jouno was blind, and they might not have the proper accommodations. Secondly, when the academy students had been attacked in the past, it usually happened in a mall. However, Uraraka wouldn't be defeated by the threat of supervillains, and she was sure that Jouno was used to dealing with places that weren't accommodating for him. Uraraka grinned as she announced her plan. With the power of positivity and optimism on her side, what could possibly go wrong?

"Okay, let's get this show on the road." Uraraka exclaimed cheerfully, and started trying to round out her friends. Tsuyu and Mina were ready, but Yaoyorozu, strangely enough, was not. In fact, Uraraka's normally happy friend looked almost...sad. "Yaoyorozu?" Uraraka asked. "What's wrong?" Yaoyorozu sighed, and flopped down on the bed. "This is going to sound really embarrassing." She said. "I don't even want to say it out loud." Mina took this as her cue to leave.

"We're your friends. Whatever it is, we're not going to judge. You can say it." Uraraka said encouragingly. "Fine." Yaoyorozu said sadly. "It's like I've been replaced." Uraraka wasn't quite sure how. "What do you mean?" She asked. "Before Jouno came along, I was the class princess. All the guys liked me, at least a bit. Well, except for Ida, but that's okay." Yaoyorozu frowned. "Now, it's like everyone's falling all over themselves trying to impress him, and they've forgotten I exist. I don't like to think of myself as a shallow person who wants boy's affections. But it was nice when people remembered I was here, you know?"

Uraraka had no idea how to help her friend here, so she just sat down on the bed next to her. "And it's not even like I hate Jouno or anything. He's a nice guy. I get why people like him. I'm just annoyed that they don't like me anymore. I guess I'm selfish, eh?" Uraraka shook her head. "You've been the center of attention for the past year now. There's nothing wrong with wanting to feel appreciated. But, it's also totally okay to share the spotlight with someone else. Jouno is new. He's from Yokohama. He's Todoroki's brother. He's Endeavour's lost kid. Of course people are interested in him. He's an interesting guy. But that doesn't mean they've stopped being interested in you. You're still the kind, calm, cool and collected, smart girl we've all known for the past year. Nothing's ever going to change that."

These seemed to be the right words, as Yaoyorozu started crying and hugged Uraraka. Uraraka looked up, and saw that Tsuyu had also exited the room. So much for backup. "Really?" Yaoyorozu asked. "Do you really think that?" Uraraka nodded. "Of course. Everyone else does too. I think it'll be fun to hang out with the rest, and show you how much they all still care." Yaoyorozu smiled. "Yeah." She said. "I think you're right."

Yaoyorozu seemed to be thinking about something. "Okay. There's something I feel like I have to bring up before we all go out, though, because it might be awkward unless you're aware of it." Uraraka frowned. This didn't seem good. "What's going on?" She asked. Uraraka wasn't exactly the most popular girl in school, like Yaoyorozu was, but she liked to think she was usually up on the gossip. "A couple of the guys, Mineta excluded because he's scared of Yokohama women, have decided they think Jouno's a girl. And that they think he's cute."

It took Uraraka a minute to figure out what Yaoyorozu was trying to say. "So you're saying that some of the boys are going to be in competition over Jouno, and that might make a group outing uncomfortable?" Uraraka asked. Yaoyorozu nodded. Uraraka shook her head. "It'll be okay." She said. "I'm sure the boys will behave themselves if they're in a large group of people." Yaoyorozu frowned. "I like your positive attitude, Uraraka." She said. "But I'm not so sure..."


Meanwhile, in Yokohama, Teruko sat at her desk, laughing harder than she's laughed in a while upon receiving the video from Jouno. "Get this." She said, wiping away a tear. "Not only is Jouno succeeding at his infiltration, three of the guys spreading have a thing for him." This promoted some laughter from Fukuchi and Tachihara, because this was a very Jouno thing to have happened. People liked Jouno wherever he went, making him well suited to undercover work. Tetchou, however, was not laughing. Quietly, he took the video in his hands. Teruko turned to Fukuchi. "Whoops." She said. "Maybe not my best idea. You know how protective Tetchou gets sometimes." Tetchou watched the video to the end. "Teruko." He said, and the look in his eyes was something that would have scared most of their enemies. "I think I also need to go undercover." Fukuchi started to explain why that wouldn't work, while Tetchou vehemently held his own in the argument. Teruko sighed, and put her head on the desk. It was going to be a very long night.

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