The backup team assembles

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Mineta couldn't sleep, not knowing everyone else was on some dangerous mission, and that he had to cover for them. He walked through the campus, not sure where he was going, but unable to just sit still and do nothing either. Mineta was halfway back to the dorms when he heard Aizawa's voice, talking on the phone with someone. "I believe I have three of your students." A cold female voice said. "And I'm not going to release them until you offer me a rematch."

A cold anxiety creeped through Mineta's gut. Clearly, this woman was talking about three of his friends. But which three? It was the boys. It had to be. Uraraka was way too well organized to get captured in the first half hour of being in Yokohama. But this was bad. If someone had taken the boys hostage, then Mineta might be the only one who knew about it.

"Kouyo. Nice try. There's no way any of my students would be in Yokohama." Mineta's heart hammered in his chest. Why hadn't he thought to at least tell one of the teachers where they were going? "Would the great, assassin-stopping professor really want to risk that?" The woman asked. "Yes, actually, because it's the middle of the night, and you're just calling to bother me."

This was bad. From what Mineta was able to figure out, this Kouyo woman had it out for Aizawa because he stopped her from finishing an assassiantion. She was holding Deku, Bakugo and Todoroki hostage, and Aizawa didn't believe her. He wasn't going to do anything about it. As much as it scared him to think it, the fate of his friends rested on Mineta's shoulders.

Mineta paced back and forth. He ought to tell one of the professors and get it over with. But if he did that, the mission would end. If that happened, there'd be no way for Todoroki to rescue Jouno, and Todoroki would never be able to live with himself if something were to happen to his twin. So, there left one option, and it was the one thing that Todoroki had specifically told Mineta not to do. He had to get Ida.

Mineta headed back for the dorms. He found Ida's mattress, and somehow managed to pull the class president into the hallway before he woke up. "Ida!" Mineta yelled, startling him out of sleep. "Mineta?" Ida asked wearily. "What's going on?" Mineta bit his lip, unsure of how to go about telling him this.

"Todoroki has a secret twin brother, so he and the rest of them went to Yokohama to help him before he gets assassinated, but they all got captured by this other assassin who has it out for Aizawa, and he won't go after her because he doesn't believe she's telling the truth, and I don't know where the girls are but they might be in trouble too because Deku had the correctly drawn map, and I'm not supposed to tell you any of this, but I don't want my friends to die."

Mineta managed to say all of that in one go, which was impressive. Ida just looked at him blankly. "I'm sorry, but what?" Ida said, and Mineta shushed him. "You mean to tell me that six of our classmates are in Yokohama, and three of them are being held hostage by an assassin." Mineta nodded. "What the actual hell? I was only asleep for two hours!" Ida exclaimed. "We have to tell Aizawa the truth."

Mineta shook his hands rapidly. "No, we can't do that. If we do, then the teachers will all go in and get our friends back. If they do that, the mission is over. If that happens, Todoroki's brother could die!" Ida sighed, and let his head drop into his hands. "Jesus Christ." He finally said. "No, actually, just Mineta." Ida gave him the look. "Just trying to lighten the mood with some comedy." Ida sighed. "Please don't." Ida sat up.

"I can see where you're coming from." He said. "If there's an assassin coming, Todoroki's brother has to be warned. But six of our classmates are in danger. We should let the teachers handle this." Mineta shook his head. "Ida. We signed up to be heroes. Not to let the adults handle things. Think with your heart, not with your mind. This is Todoroki we're talking about. He'd do this and more for any of us if it was our family in danger. He's been through so much. Can't you find it in yourself to try to help him out?"

Mineta had no idea what he was saying, he just thought about what Deku would say if he was there. But Ida seemed to be unaware of Mineta pulling words out of thin air, and was instead inspired by the sentiment. "You're right, Mineta." Ida said. "Words I never thought would ever leave my lips." Okay, he didn't have to go overboard there.

"We can't just go by ourselves." Ida said, and the look in his eyes said he was up to something. "Yokohama's a dangerous place for quirk users like us." Mineta could tell this was going somewhere, but he couldn't tell where this was going. "If only we knew someone who visits Yokohama on the regular to see her karaoke buddy." Mineta blinked in surprise. He had no idea who this was, but instantly wanted to. "It's time we add someone else to our party."

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