Teruko vs. Endeavour

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Endeavour had never lost a fight to a twelve year old girl before. Now, watching the girl in the red uniform grow to be at least sixty feet tall, he wasn't so confident in his chances. "Where are my children?" He yelled. This whole thing was going to hell in a handbasket. Endeavour's kids were all lost somewhere in Yokohama, and he could almost guarantee that his wife had snuck out to look for them shortly after he did. The assassin was still on the loose, and Natsu hadn't been able to deduce much from the package. So, they basically had no idea who was trying to kill them, and they were spread out through one of the most dangerous cities in the world.

"Go to hell!" The girl yelled, and slammed her giant fists into the ground where Endeavour had been standing. He managed to jump back in time, but only barely. She was big, but she was also fast, a dangerous combination. Endeavour started to summon his fire. He watched in horror as the girl drew her sword. The sharp, deadly weapon had grown with her, and was now as long as an eighteen wheeler. This was beyond bad. "You're never going to find Jouno. You'll be long dead before anyone comes looking for you."

If Endeavour didn't act fast, she was going to be right. "My name is Endeavour." He said. "Jouno is my son." The girl laughed. "If that's the case, I'd better kill you even harder, then." She said, and Endeavour blinked in surprise. That hadn't gone the way he'd been expecting. "Jouno's parents gave him up when he was a baby because he's blind. He's sad about that sometimes. So, I WILL NOW KICK YOUR ABLEIST ASS!"

Endeavour hadn't known Jouno was blind. "It wasn't because he's blind." Endeavour said, jumping out of the way of a streetlight the girl was swinging. "It was because he has an ability." Because that made it so much better. "I have to kill you anyway." The girl said. "From what I've figured, Raijin wants you dead, so I'm going to mess with her by killing you before she can." Once again, not the response Endeavour had been expecting.

"Raijin?" Endeavour asked. "Who's that?" The girl returned to her normal size. "She's my nemesis." The girl said. "She comes down from the spirit world sometimes to mess with me, because I used to be a goddess, like her. It's a whole thing." The girl said this like it was something incredibly normal. "She wants to kill you because you killed her demon. You know Greek mythology, right?" The girl asked. "The gods are angry, jealous, spiteful people. In Raijin's mind, it's perfectly fine to go around killing whole families if someone ends her demon beast."

Endeavour had angered a god. A literal god. And now, she was after his family. "Wait, so you're saying this Raijin lady wants to kill me because I killed her demon?" Endeavour asked. Now that it was mentioned, he did fight a very large, strong creature recently. "Why go through all this?" The girl shrugged. "Has anyone ever killed your pets?" She asked. "Like a cute puppy or something like that?" Endeavour shook his head. He'd never had a pet. "It's sort of the same idea. If someone killed my puppy, I'd kill them and their whole family." That was alarming, to say the least.

"Okay, if someone's trying to kill me, and this Raijin person is your nemesis, how about you decide not to kill me? Wouldn't that annoy her?" The girl grinned. "That's too much work." She said. "And killing you for abandoning Jouno is too much fun." She drew her sword again. "Say your prayers to whatever god will have you." The girl said. "Because you're about to meet your maker."

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