They're not assassins

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"I think we're lost." Fuyumi said, checking the map. Natsu sighed. Of course. They'd only been in Yokohama for five minutes, and they were lost. That morning...hadn't gone well. Their mom had figured out that Jouno was still alive, and had collapsed crying, while their father explained the situation. And also the part about the assassin, and Todoroki being missing in Yokohama. So, while Endeavour attempted to distract his wife from the memory of him giving up her favorite child (which really seemed like a plan that wouldn't work in a million years), Fuyumi and Natsu had decided to sneak out and find their younger brothers, then get back before the assassin arrived, and before their parents realized they were gone.

"We can just ask someone." Fuyumi said hopefully. Natsu rolled his eyes. That sounded like something Todoroki and his friends would do. "We can't do that." He said. "It's not like we can walk up to a random stranger and ask if they've seen two teenagers with white and red hair." Fuyumi stuck out her tongue. That had been exactly what she'd been planning on doing.

Natsu took a step forwards, and dropped to his knees when a stabbing pain shot through his ankle. "Very well." Fuyumi turned around at the sound of a deep, angry voice behind her. "She had said the assassins would be showing up, but she didn't say they'd be so incompetent. Jouno would be able to dispatch the two of you without any assistance." A sword. That's what it was. There was part of a sword sticking out of Natsu's ankle. Fuyumi screamed at the sight of it: a man with a glowing purple katana, and Natsu collapsed and bleeding.

"Fuyumi, run!" Natsu yelled, rolling over onto his back, and drawing a small pocket knife. "No, you won't be doing that." The man said. "I care deeply about all of my teammates. Raijin was right. Jouno is like a son to me. While I'm sure he could kill you himself, I'll finish the job here and now." The man drew the sword, and Fuyumi started to move before her mind could make sense of what he'd said.

"Stop!" Fuyumi yelled, getting between her brother and the man with the sword. She had her arms flung open wide, trying to shield Natsu against whatever the man's attack would be. The man swung his sword downwards, but stopped one inch before his blade made contact with Fuyumi's neck. They stood there for a few seconds before he lowered the sword.

"You're no assassins." He finally said. Yeah. No kidding. Fuyumi doubled over to catch her breath, and her heart hammered in her chest. She thought he was going to kill her. Natsu managed to stand up, not putting his knife away. "What the heck is your deal?" Natsu asked angrily. "You could have killed us both." The man shrugged. "I could have." He said casually. "I was told that anyone in the area with a quirk was an assassin." Fuyumi frowned. That sounded more than suspect.

"Who told you that?" She asked. "And why did you believe them?" This felt like a fairly good question. "She was a goddess." The man said. "Or at least she claimed to be." He paused. "I feel like we've somehow been tricked." Yeah. No kidding. "So, basically, what you're trying to say is that someone has set your team up to kill anyone with a quirk who comes looking for Jouno." The man nodded. "Yeah, that pretty much sums it up."

The man pulled out his phone. "It's okay. I'll just call the group chat and make everybody stand down." He said. "My name is Fukuchi. I'm in charge of the hunting dogs. They'll listen to me." He tried to dial. Nothing happened. "Huh." Fukuchi said. "It appears I'm having phone trouble." Fuyumi could put two and two together. "Let me guess. This Raijin woman has the power to shut down the phone lines." Realization hit Natsu. "If that's true, then when Todoroki finds Jouno, Jouno's going to try to kill him." Before anyone could do anything about that, however, the sky was cloaked in an explosion of smoke and fire.

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