First day

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First introductions were always awkward, in Todoroki's experience. And Todoroki had never had to stand in front of a fully established class and introduce himself. It was awkward. It was beyond awkward. Todoroki watched Jouno stand at the front of the classroom, and to his credit, he managed to somewhat smile. Aizawa, bored by the whole thing, appeared to be asleep at his desk. All Todoroki could do was sit there and cringe.

"Uh, hi." Jouno said, and did a small wave. "My name is Jouno. I'm not sure if you're aware, but I'm Todoroki's brother." This gained some small laughter from the crowd. Todoroki and Jouno looked almost identical. It was obvious to everyone in the classroom that they were related. "I'm from Yokohama, but I guess I'm originally from here. It might take me a bit to catch up, so please be patient with me, and I'll do my best." Jouno then explained a bit about his powers, his history with the hunting dogs, and what he was hoping to achieve here. This was where Todoroki would have stopped talking, but it appeared that Jouno wasn't done. "And I'm blind, so please be kind." Jouno said with a small smile, and put his fingers up in one of those cutesy anime magical girl gestures. Todoroki put his head down on the desk. What the actual heck?

Jouno made his way back to sit next to Todoroki. "How did I do?" He asked. Todoroki didn't want to say it was cringey, so he just smiled and nodded, then realized these were visual cues that Jouno couldn't pick up on. "You were good." Todoroki said disingenuously. "Thanks." Jouno said, and pulled out his notebook. "So, what are we doing today?" He asked. "Because I think the teacher is asleep." Sure enough, Aizawa was fast asleep, and was lightly snoring. He'd been the one stuck filling out all the paperwork on the incident with Raijin, so he was exhausted. "I think it's just a study period." Todoroki said. There was a pause before Jouno asked: "so what are we studying?" Todoroki was embarrassed to admit that he had no idea.

"I have an idea." Uraraka said cheerfully. "We should all show how our powers work." Jouno was trying so hard not to laugh right now. He had no idea that infiltrating their high and almighty academy was going to be so laughably easy. All he had to do was walk in the front door, and he had the handbook, a map of campus, and now he was going to get a first hand demonstration of how everyone's powers worked. Fukuchi had thought it would take Jouno until the end of the term to understand everything about the academy. He'd probably be done with this charade by the end of the month, and that was a generous estimate.

"I'll go first." Uraraka said. She then proceeded to do something that Jouno couldn't see or sense, but clearly wanted praise for doing. Jouno sighed. Some of these sighted quirk users weren't exactly the sharpest tools in the shed. Jouno proceeded to listen to people explain what they did, while memorizing everything carefully. So far, he already had an idea of what a strategy to take down the academy would be like. Jouno was aware of the fact that both of his commanding officers played more than a bit outside the rules. Sure, supposedly Jouno was just doing reconnaissance. But he had a bit of an idea that after he gave up the information, sooner or later the academy would fall. Jouno didn't have a problem with that, and in fact he supported it. Enough of his friends had been picked off by quirk users in the past. It was time for them to pay.

"You probably can't see this, but I can pull spheres out of my head." Some annoying voice said. God, Jouno was trying so hard to keep a straight face. "Is that so?" Jouno asked. "I have an idea." He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a marker. "Here." Hera Jouno out and drew a small smiley face on the sphere. Everyone in the room seemed amazed by this. "Oh my god." The guy said. "This looks like a tiny emoji. Dude. Did you have any idea I could make these look like smiley faces?" The person asked the classmate and ran off to show everybody the amazing new revelation. Jouno shook his head, and held back his smile. Part of his assignment was making himself likeable, and not at all suspicious. So far, he'd managed to impress a number of the popular crowd, pretty much all of Todoroki's friends just because they were brothers, and now the bros. This was going surprisingly well.

"Uh, hey." This sounded like another hockey boy. "How's your phone battery?" It appeared that Jouno was going to have to pretend it was low. Stealthily, he shut it off by holding the power button, then handed it to the person talking to him. "I think it's completely out of charge." Jouno said. "I just plugged it into the cord last night, but it might not have been connected to the wall. I'll have to check more carefully tomorrow." An excuse that everyone would buy. This people weren't very hard to lie to. Like, at all.

"Well, I can do something about that." A zapping sound, and Jouno's phone was returned to him, sure enough, fully charged. Electricity manipulation, most likely. "My name is Kaminari. Hi." He already said 'hey.' What, was he going to say 'hello' next? "Okay, bye." He said, and made his way towards where the rest of the annoying sounding boys were standing. Jouno checked his phone, opening all the apps and playing with all the settings, making sure lightning boy didn't accidentally fry his device.

Someone new was at Jouno's desk. "So, what do you do?" He asked. "You probably can't see it, because I turn invisible." The girl said. God save him. Jouno couldn't see anything, invisible or not. "That's kinda funny." Jouno said. "There's this book, 'the invisible man and his soon to be wife,' and it's about a blind girl and an invisible guy. What are the odds of two people existing like that in real life, eh?" She seemed at a lost for words. "There's really a book with invisible people in it?" She asked. Jouno nodded. "Definitely." He said. "A friend of mine used to read it to me."

That was something Jouno desperately missed while undercover. Before going to bed, Tetchou would usually read to him. Jouno wished his boyfriend could have come with him to infiltrate the academy, but Tetchou wasn't really cut out for undercover work. He was good, too good for his own good, and would feel bad about pretending to make friends with people. Jouno knew what he was signing up for, though. Jouno would be reunited with Tetchou when his mission was complete.

"Introductions are going well, eh?" Todoroki asked, coming to stand by Jouno's desk after the rest of the class had introduced themselves. "Yeah, I'd say so." Jouno said. "But you weren't wrong about your friends being strange." Todoroki snorted with laughter. "Hey, they mean well." He said. "Ida is already planning how we'll install tactile flooring." Jouno put his head on his desk. "But that's not an accommodation I need." He said. "I can get around fine without it." Todoroki had also seen Jouno get around just fine without his cane, but he carried it with him anyway at the academy.

"It's nice and everything that they want to help, but it'd be nicer if they asked me first." Jouno sighed. "But I don't really have the heart to say that, because Ida and his friends seem all fired up about the idea. I'm just going to have to pretend to use the tactile flooring, aren't I?" Todoroki didn't even try to hide his laughter. In this class, he'd learned everything he needed to know about Jouno. Jouno was reserved, sure, but he'd lived a hard life. That was something Todoroki definitely understood. Jouno was smart, blunt sometimes, but ultimately kind. He'd been nice, and came up with something personal to say to everybody that introduced themselves to him. That was something that Todoroki probably wouldn't have been able to do. Todoroki smiled, and gave Jouno a small pat on the shoulder. "Five minutes until class break." He said. Jouno grumbled something incomprehensible, and Todoroki smiled. It was nice to have a brother.

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