Teruko vs. Endeavour part 2

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Teruko swung the streetlight around, sending Endeavour crashing through a set of buildings, like he was a baseball, and Teruko had just hit him out of the park. "You're telling me you were once the greatest of the quirk heroes?" Teruko asked, her booming laughter echoing like a thunderclap. "A weakling like you? It's a wonder your high and mighty academy is still standing!" Teruko grabbed a piece of the pavement, and lifted it high over her head like a boulder. She hurled it at Endeavour, and he barely managed to summon his fire in time. Usually, when enemies turned giant, they weren't this fast. And she wasn't even using her famous age manipulation yet.

"Endeavour!" Endeavour picked himself up from the ruins of a small building at the sound of a very familiar voice. "Deku." Deku was running towards where Endeavour and Teruko were fighting. "So, another one of your group managed to find us, eh?" Teruko asked, like she was surprised that someone found her. Teruko was sixty feet tall! It wasn't exactly hard to find her.

"Kid, get out of here." Endeavour said. "You can't beat her in a fight." Deku nodded. "I don't have to." He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. On screen was displayed Fukuchi, the most famous man with an ability, and he looked thoroughly unimpressed. "Teruko. What do you think you're doing?" Fukuchi asked. Teruko shrunk down to her normal size, and had the grace to look embarrassed. "I'm going to kill Endeavour." She said casually, like this was a perfectly normal plan. "I don't like him."

Fukuchi seemed to consider this. "If you don't like somebody, you can't just kill them. That's not how things work in the human world. We've been over this." Teruko crossed her arms and stuck out her tongue, like a child who'd been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. "Fine, but only because you say so. If it was up to me, I'd tear his head from off his shoulders. I'm not as forgiving as the rest of the world."

"The assassin is Raijin." Fukuchi said. Teruko nodded. "Yeah. Thanks. I'd figured that part out myself." Silence on the other end of the phone. "How come the detective brat has been silent about this whole issue? It's a problem in his city, and he's usually never far from some kind of a case." Fukuchi shrugged. "I remember Fukuzawa mentioning something about three teenage girls causing chaos at the agency." Deku nodded. That sounded like his friends.

"Okay, we've managed to figure out who the assassin is, and I think everyone is accounted for except for Bakugo and Todoroki." Deku said. "We got separated when we saw our fire, and figured you were in trouble." Endeavour wanted to say something along the lines of 'I wasn't in trouble, I had it covered,' but thought better of it. He had not had it covered.

"What do you mean, you guys got separated?" Endeavour asked. "Where the hell is my son?" Deku had nothing. "He and Bakugo found Jouno, I think." Deku knew this wasn't inspiring much confidence. "They didn't seem to be in any kind of trouble when I left?" Deku tried. This was true, of course. They hadn't been in any trouble when Deku had left. But now...Bakugo and Todoroki were in trouble indeed.

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