Todoroki has a brother...again

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Nothing good ever started with a parcel. Todoroki was the first member of his family to wake up that morning, and when he headed downstairs, there was a small package waiting for him on the kitchen table. Todoroki frowned. Last year, supervillains almost took over the world. Now, sixteen year old Todoroki was one year older and wiser, and he'd spent the past six weeks in a bubble of relative peace. Yes, he'd learned to relax a bit. But he wasn't getting complacent. Whatever was in the parcel, it was probably bad news.

Cautiously, Todoroki started to open the package. Perhaps it was some kind of six week anniversary gift from Bakugo, and was going to blow up in his face. Such were the hazards of having a boyfriend whose literal ability was to blow stuff up. Todoroki opened the parcel. It didn't explode, so that was something, at least.

The package contained a letter, and a small collection of photographs. Todoroki started reading the letter first. "Endeavour. Five days from now, I'll kill you and end your line. A friend." The letter was straightforward, and was a declaration, not a threat. Someone was going to try to kill the entire Todoroki family, if the letter was to be believed, and they were giving everyone a five day head start. That alone suggested that the letter writer was confident enough that they could pull it off. Also, whoever they were, they were apparently 'a friend.' So, someone with a grudge against Endeavour, and someone he probably had history with.

Todoroki sat down, and started to go through the pictures. What he found creeped him out. There was a picture of him in a fight with some minor criminals a few days ago, and it was taken from very close up. Whoever it was had been within close proximity to Todoroki, and that didn't sit well with him. It only got worse. A picture of Natsu, out for a drive, no one in sight. One of Fuyumi, asleep in her bed. In both cases, the killer could have acted, and no one would have been able to do anything to prevent the tragedy. So why did they wait?

Next, there was a picture of Endeavour in his civilian clothes, standing in a street corner and waiting to cross. Once again, the person taking the pictures was probably standing right next to him. One of Todoroki's mom out for a walk. Todoroki fought back the urge to vomit when he saw the next one. His older brother, Dabi, who had died during the final fight last year. There was a picture of his body, this one in black and white, with the only color being the caption. Blood red writing said 'one down.' Todoroki clenched his fists. If this was some kind of sick joke, it was going way too far. But something told Todoroki that whatever this was, it was for real.

That's when he saw it: one last picture still in the parcel. It showed a teenager, probably around Todoroki's age. He seemed at least mildly happy, walking down the street, enjoying ice cream with a much taller teenager. On the surface level, they just looked like a happy young couple on a date. But the teenager in the picture had white and red hair.

Todoroki stared at the image. Clearly, he was related to the boy in the picture. Both his appearance, and the fact that his picture was in the parcel, were pretty good indicators. But Todoroki didn't have any other siblings. Or did he? In his family, literally anything was possible.

Todoroki heard heavy footsteps on the stairs. "Uh, dad?" He asked. "Can you come take a look at this?" Endeavour walked forwards, and without saying a word, started looking at the photographs. Todoroki knew it was bad when Endeavour's first response was "we can't tell your mother." Nothing good ever started with that.

Todoroki frowned. "Assassiantion threat aside, who's he?" Todoroki asked, picking up the last picture. "Because from your reaction, you've clearly seen him before." Endeavour just stood there, not saying anything. "We've all been getting along so well for the last bit." Endeavour said quietly. "If I tell you, that's going to change." Todoroki wasn't letting his dad get out of this one. "You have to tell me. If I have another brother, I have the right to know."

"Remember how you had a twin, but he was stillborn?" Endeavour asked. Todoroki sighed. He could see this one coming a mile away now. "Let me guess. He wasn't stillborn." Endeavour nodded. "Your brother was...born with the wrong kind of powers. An ability, not a quirk." Endeavour ran a hand through his hair, and sat down. This probably wasn't going to be good, then. If Endeavour had to be sitting down to say it, Todoroki could only imagine what was coming next.

"Your mother liked him best because, even though he was 'no parts her' in terms of powers, he was also 'no parts me.'" Todoroki's stomach dropped. "She wasn't devoting enough of her time and energy to raising you, our perfect child." Endeavour said. "I'm...really not proud of what I did." Todoroki could put the pieces together. "You gave my brother away to punish mom." He said, disgusted but not surprised.

"No, he had an ability, he was better off with his own kind." Endeavour tried, more for himself than for Todoroki. "You gave my brother away to punish mom." Todoroki repeated. Endeavour flopped his head down on the table. "Yes." He finally admitted. "I'm sorry." He then started going off on a tangent about how he couldn't make this right, and didn't deserve forgiveness, but Todoroki had stopped listening.

Todoroki had a brother. Well, he already had brothers, but he had a twin brother. That was something different. Todoroki wondered what it would have been like to grow up with a twin. That would have been so much fun. It would have been like Todoroki had a built-in best friend. Yet another part of his life destroyed by Endeavour.

"Hey, guys, what's going on?" Natsu. Todoroki hadn't even heard him come down the stairs. "Guess what?" Todoroki said. "I had a twin brother, dad gave him away to punish mom, and also someone's trying to kill all of us." Natsu stood there, blinked once, then started to pour himself a cup of coffee. "Typical Tuesday morning, then." He replied sarcastically.

"Look. Can we please keep the whole thing with Jouno away from your mom? She's trying to heal right now, and I don't want to re-open an old wound." Jouno. His name was Jouno. Todoroki had a twin brother, and his name was Jouno. "More like you don't want to get into trouble." Natsu said. "What's all this about someone trying to kill us?" Natsu asked. Todoroki supplied the note and photographs.

"Huh." Natsu said. "So, I'm guessing dad managed to anger someone really powerful. Which, honestly, I can totally believe that. Do you have any idea who you might have upset this time?" Natsu asked. "Actually, wait, it might be better to make a list of people who aren't upset with you." Endeavour shook his head. "Nothing big happened recently."

"Well, whatever's going to happen, we at least have five days to deal with it." Todoroki said. "I have to go find Jouno, and then we can come up with some kind of plan to handle this. "No!" The force of Endeavour's shout startled Todoroki. "I'm sorry." Endeavour said. "I didn't mean to yell. But you can't go looking for him. He's in Yokohama." Ah. Yokohama. The place with an infamously high mortality rate for professional heroes. It was heavily populated by people with abilities, and was seen as a sort of death trap for people with quirks.

"You left him in Yokohama?" Natsu asked. "Endeavour fails at parenting part the fifth." Todoroki crossed his arms. "I'm going to find my brother, even if he is in Yokohama." He said. "If there's an assassin coming after all of us, he's not going to know about it." Todoroki stood up. "I'll get some of my friends. I won't go in alone. Dad, I need you to stay back and make sure everyone else doesn't die. Natsu, I need you to figure out everything you can about the assassin." Endeavour looked pained. "Shoto, wait, we can talk about this." Todoroki shook his head. "My brother needs me. There's nothing to talk about. I'm off to fix yet another mess you created." Todoroki headed for the door. It was time to find his brother.

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