Five days later

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Five days later:

Everything that had happened over the course of the last week had been a blur for Todoroki. First, he'd discovered he had a twin brother. Then they clashed when Jouno had thought Todoroki was an assassin, and Jouno had dropped Todoroki down an elevator shaft. After that, Jouno had been able to supposedly talk down the assassin, and had decided that he wanted to spend the term with his biological family. Five days ago, Todoroki hadn't even known he had a brother. Now, they were starting school together that day.

Todoroki was the first in his household to wake up, like usual. However, this morning, he wasn't alone in his room when he awoke. Jouno slept on the floor in a small sleeping bag next to Todoroki's bed. There wasn't another available room in the house (except for Dabi's former bedroom, but that was off limits for obvious reasons), so Jouno was sleeping in Todoroki's room for now. Jouno was a quiet sleeper, and was very peaceful when he slept.

Todoroki didn't know much about Jouno, even though he'd been living in the same house as him for the past day and a half. From his observations, though, Jouno was a naturally reserved person. He was always careful and measured in what he said. That wasn't a bad thing, though. Jouno came across as very sweet, especially in how he interacted with Rei. Todoroki would forever be grateful to him for that. Todoroki knew that Jouno liked flowers, and his brother had made a bouquet from some growing in the garden. So, he was creative. Before bed the previous night, Todoroki had read one of his comic books aloud to Jouno, and Jouno seemed to like that. But besides that, Todoroki didn't know much about his own brother.

Todoroki walked over to where Jouno was sleeping, and lightly shook the sleeping bag. Jouno immediately sat bolt upright. "Hey, it's okay." Todoroki said quickly. "It's just me. I'm waking you up because we have school starting in an hour." Jouno blinked in surprise. "Why did you let me sleep so long?" He asked, but didn't sound overly grumpy about it. Jouno sat up, and rolled up his sleeping bag.

"We have to wear uniforms, right?" He asked. Todoroki nodded. "Yours is on the dresser. I'll go get it." Jouno shook his head. "It's okay. I can get it myself." Jouno said. "You don't have to worry about my ability to do things just because I'm blind." Todoroki's gut squirmed with guilt. He hadn't meant to imply that. "I'm sorry." He said. Jouno shook his head. "Oh, no worries. I just thought it was a conversation we should probably have." Todoroki nodded. That was fair.

Jouno disappeared into the washroom, then came back five minutes later, fully changed. His gray jacket was a small bit too big, and he hadn't quite tied his tie properly. While there was no dress code about footwear, the combat boots he was wearing were probably going to attract some attention. "That looks interesting." Todoroki said, trying to sound non-judgemental.

Jouno frowned. "Are the boots too much?" He asked. Todoroki shook his head. "No, you look like yourself." He said. Jouno nodded. "That's good." He finally said, but it was like he could tell something was off. "What's wrong?" He asked. "It's the tie, isn't it?" He asked. Todoroki nodded sheepishly. "Yeah." He finally said. Jouno sighed. "Okay. Can you help with this?" Todoroki smiled despite himself, and fixed Jouno's tie. "Do I look ready to go now?" Jouno asked. Todoroki nodded. "Yeah." He said. "Yeah, you do."

Todoroki smiled when he looked at Jouno. Dressed in the academy uniform, he really looked like he was one of Todoroki's classmates. Jouno smiled back. Even though Jouno couldn't see Todoroki's expression, it was like he knew that Todoroki was smiling. Jouno followed Todoroki downstairs, and started to pack his backpack. "Okay. I have a couple of folders, some of my knives, and my student handbook. It's neat that you guys have a braille edition, by the way. Do you think that's everything I need?"

Todoroki initially started to agree, then paused. "I'm sorry, but did you say knives?" He asked. Jouno frowned. "Should I not have them?" He asked. Todoroki nodded. "Yeah." He said. "You'll probably get arrested if you have actually stabby weapons on campus." Jouno seemed genuinely disappointed in this. "But my power can't attack people. I have to be the weapon. How am I supposed to defend myself?" Jouno asked. "That's what the academy is there to teach you about." Todoroki finally said, unsure of what else to say to that. He carried knives around all the time? What the actual hell? How rough were things in Yokohama?

Jouno paused, clearly looking for answer on something. "What are the people like?" He asked. That was a loaded question if ever Todoroki had heard one. "Quirky." Todoroki finally said, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "But seriously. Some of them are strange, but they're good people." Jouno smiled. "That's good to hear." He said. "My previous teammates were...interesting." This much was true. Todoroki had heard the stories, and he'd met Fukuchi briefly. Todoroki was thankful that Jouno was going to the academy now, both because he was Todoroki's brother, but because he'd be in a better situation.

Jouno and Todoroki headed for the door. "Wait." They turned around at the sound of Rei's voice. "Did I forget something?" Jouno asked. Rei shook her head. "I just want to give you a hug before you go." It was clear that Jouno had rarely been hugged before. He awkwardly gave his mother a pat on the back while she threw her arm around him, and she pulled Todoroki in on the other side. "I'm so happy you're home."

Jouno pulled away first, clearly uncomfortable with the whole situation. Todoroki felt bad. It was clear that Jouno wasn't used to people being nice to him, and he had no idea how to deal with a parent that actually cared about him. "Have a good first day." Rei said to Jouno. "And look out for your brother." She said to Todoroki. Todoroki nodded. "I will." He hoped that he wouldn't have to, and that everything would go okay. But he also knew his classmates. It was all Todoroki could do to hope and pray that this went well.

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