"You dare to say that in the presence of your own wife?" Liza said, raising her eyebrows in disbelief. "She was strong enough to desert her own pack and run away with you. Doesn't that account for anything?"

My mother was certainly looked indignant. "Yes, dear, what do you think of that?" she challenged the Alpha, twisting around in her seat to look straight at him.

The Alpha cleared his throat nervously as the two women in the room ganged up on him. "That wasn't the same."

"Or was it?" my mother said, "What do you need in battle? Bravery? Strength? Planning? I'm not trying to boast, but I can say that I did all of that. Don't be blinded by prejudice."

Liza crossed her arms angrily. "Why are we even still discussing this? The women should be allowed to fight if they want. They know the consequences, and they won't be forced into it, so it will be their own choice."

"Human-" the Alpha snarled.

"My name is Liza." she reminded him, her expression turning furious. "And if one more person calls me 'human', I will show them just how human I am."

I actually really wanted to see that, I thought guiltily, watching in amusement as every single person in the room lowered their head nervously.

"I think this meeting is finished." she said impatiently, getting up from her chair. "You are all going to die if you don't open your minds to change, so I suggest you hurry up with the process."

Everybody looked at her in disbelief as she stormed out of the room, closing the door loudly behind her. I knew she couldn't have gone far, she wouldn't want to test the limits of the bond at the moment.

"Well, that certainly is a feisty one." Manson chuckled. He was one of the older members of the council, and his hair was greying fast.

"You could say that again." I said grimly, and some people smiled knowingly. I lounged back in the chair, and tried to ignore the feeling of intense yearning that was creeping up on me as Liza walked further away.

"Have you marked her yet?" Randon asked sharply, "You need to keep her under control."

I turned to glare at him. "I have. She may be feisty, but she is not out of control, so stop talking about her like she's an animal. She is my mate, but I'm not going to restrain her and follow her every move. She needs her freedom."

Randon snorted. "So said the boy that will get stabbed in the back one day."

"Have some compassion!" I blurted out in anger, "She has learned about werewolves, got a mate, and got caught in the middle of a battle in the matter of days. In my opinion, she has handled it better than anyone could have expected, so cut her some slack."

The room was silent, and my anger soon seeped away, left only with an extreme wanting to be with her.

"Let's change topics, shall we?" Manson said quietly, and everybody sighed gratefully for someone breaking the silence. "I think we should give the girl's idea a go. What do we have to loose?"

Several people nodded in agreement.

"It's an outrage!" the Alpha roared, causing everyone to freeze. "I will not take orders from a mere human who has no idea what is at stake. If we allowed women to fight, it would destroy tradition and create uprisings all around the werewolf world. We cannot allow that to happen!"

"You're worried about tradition, Alpha?" I hissed. "Maybe you should have thought about that when you drugged the children in your pack. That goes against every moral tradition ever invented, don't you think?"

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