Chapter 36. Prometheus

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Aurora lost track of time, there was no window in the sterile cell, and she didn't know whether it was morning or deep night, the girl guessed that about two weeks had passed, maybe more. They brought her food three times a day, usually porridge, juice and some kind of fruit, sometimes the captors became generous and gave her fish. Every two days, under heavy security, as if she were a particularly dangerous criminal, she was taken to the shower and the girl's pajamas were changed for new ones, as well as the bed linen. Schlözer and Bielke never saw again. Once a captive tried to kill herself, knowing that it would be difficult to do so; past experience suggested that her new organism had amazing properties. Aurora, without thinking twice, slammed her forehead into the door with acceleration, its cold steel surface cut the skin to the bone and from the blow the singer lost consciousness, and when she woke up she realized that there was no trace left of the wound, only a red spot on the door and face.

A little later, employees of the corporation came and washed off the blood, and they took her to the shower. They watched the captive through hidden cameras, but were in no hurry to stop Aurora from experimenting with her body, apparently they knew that she would not be able to seriously harm herself. Bielke slowly but surely went crazy, she sang her own songs, distorting the words, ran circles around the room, did push-ups on the floor or screamed at the top of her lungs, making obscene signs at the ceiling, where she assumed the camera's peephole was located, a couple of times she showed her breasts and insulted Schlözer with all sorts of words. She had to go to the toilet on the toilet, which was right there and, of course, the observers perfectly saw the whole process, so the girl, a little shy and feeling uncomfortable in the first days, spat on everything and began to generally walk around naked, tearing her pajamas, from a piece of fabric she made a noose and tried to adapt it to strangle herself, but after fiddling around for two hours, realized that it was useless.

They brought her a new set of clothes. Every time the security came to see her, she spat at them and called them the most offensive words she could think of, once she rushed with her fists and was quickly knocked out with a shocker, she stopped eating and felt like she lost a few kilograms, but she never achieved the critical result of her hunger strike She decided to check if it would kill her or not. For example, she had been without water for about five days, according to her calculations, she was incredibly thirsty, but there were no significant changes physically, she had more than enough energy. Lucius awarded her with a superorganism that did not want to die. The moment came when Aurora gnawed at her vein and, while the blood was flowing, she poured it into a cardboard glass of juice that they brought to her for breakfast, the wound quickly healed, but the remaining blood served as paint and Bielke began to draw a large horned demon on the wall. Before she had time to finish drawing, the door opened and Gustav appeared in the opening. She, seeing her best friend, for whom she had strong feelings not so long ago, froze with her hand stained with blood. She wanted to rush at him and bite him as hard as possible, preferably in the face or neck, bite through a vein and watch him writhe on the floor dying from loss of blood. The desire was strong, but she restrained herself, biting her tongue and dropping the glass.

"A creative person cannot live without creativity, as I see it." – Larsson said quietly, assessing the picture with his eyes.

"Get out, traitor!" – Aurora hissed angrily and turned away, tears deciding that it was time to shed and wet her eyes and cheeks.

"I'm used to being called that." He left the door open, walked inside and positioned himself on the bed behind the singer, who was sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of the wall.

"Why did you come? Leave! Just go away! You hurt me! It hurts me, do you understand? Or do you like to do it?" - Bielke's voice trembled, she turned to Gustav, he smiled sadly and raised his fingers to his pupils, removing the lenses behind which his amber eyes flickered. The girl suspected this, but upon learning the truth she still groaned in surprise; the betrayal inflicted an even greater wound on her heart.

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