Chapter 10. Between.

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"Ma! Mom! Why is it so hard to breathe?" Aurora stood in the middle of the kitchen in her house, she was cold. Her mother stood with her back to her, chopping something on a vegetable board. The air swirled around with soap bubbles and stains. The lungs did not want to inhale it. The girl began to feel sick and began to whimper.

"Mom!" She called out drawn out. "It's hard for me to breathe!" Victoria answered without turning around in a strange, male voice.

"Honey, you can't breathe because you're dying." Darkness fell after these words, after a while Bielke opened her eyes as far as she could. A heavy, stinking atmosphere enveloped her from head to toe. Dark, damp, very damp. The girl felt like she was in icy viscous water right up to her chin. Chest hurt, her lungs didn't want to work normally. A whistle escaped her mouth, her legs went numb, and some kind of crossbar rested in her back, preventing her from sinking like a stone to the bottom. Aurora remembered the struggle with the shaved man. She wheezed, a bloody bubble swelling on her broken lips. Thoughts sluggishly tossed and turned in head like rusty gears in a mechanism that had not been serviced for a long time, heavy, clumsy, echoing in the skull. "That's all, mom, forgive me." - She thought.

The grinding of metal was heard from above and light poured into the gap between the girl's swollen eyelids. A blurry shadow loomed in a light spot.

"And the prophet said to his disciples do not walk that road, for there is death there." The voice was even, calm, and recited words incomprehensible to Aurora.

"Forgive me Aurora. It was necessary, it hurt me to look at it, but it was necessary, believe me." The stranger spoke tenderly. He grabbed her by the lapel of her jacket and easily, as if she weighed no more than a feather, carefully lifted her out of the stinking slurry. Bielke barely raised her hand and felt the warm skin. Someone took her out of the sewer. She heard the sound of the wind, feeling it on her broken face. The girl felt like she was floating above the ground. Her vision didn't want to focus. Something huge and black hugged her, gently pressing her to his hard chest. Large wings flapped above her head, carrying higher and higher.

"Dad?" Bielke moaned and a stream of thick dark blood flowed out of her mouth.

"Hush Aurora, hush, I'll fix everything, it's a pity that you don't understand anything yet, I'm hurt for my action. Your mortal parents will be waiting for you, loving you. Everyone will love you and admire you. I promise." The Savior whispered right in her head, and for a moment the girl thought she saw amber eyes. Aurora was enveloped in darkness, and vague images of the past appeared. Here she is standing in her yard, a completely different one, which the girl has already forgotten. She is four years old, there is snow all around, fluffy snowflakes tickle her cheeks and swirl in the winter air. The former house where her family lived is decorated with New Year's garlands. The mother is cooking something in the kitchen, and the father is about to come home from work. Under the window, Aurora saw the body of a dead bullfinch; it lay motionless, already dusted with snow. She felt sad and the girl took the bird in her small hands. She felt a thin thread of the soul of a living being, like a hair, it connected the body with a white light. Bielke tensed, trying to revive the bullfinch, she remembered that she could do this, but how and when, lost in the pool of memory, nothing came of it. The snow crunched behind her and Phineas approached.

"My sunshine, what do you have there?" The father said with love, he had a bag of gifts in his hands. Aurora held out the dead bird, saying.

"Dad, why can't I revive her? I could do it before, it's simple. Show me how to do it, dad?" Fin, hearing his daughter's thin voice, frowned, fear fleetingly flashed in his eyes, he took the corpse with two fingers by the paw.

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