Chapter 29. Black line

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Norway greeted its national symbol with torrential downpour, clouds and chilly winds, although September had just begun, but the bad weather happening around duplicated the internal state of Aurora. The private plane landed at the airport, there were only four passengers on board, the singer, the manager and Gustav, who volunteered to be the escort, despite Bielke's resistance, of course the mannequin-like Arnold was also with her on duty. In the lobby at the exit, a crowd of several dozen people was waiting for the star. The ubiquitous journalists already sensed the sensation and were waiting for their victim. The news, despite all Lirrik's efforts, quickly leaked out and within two days of the singer getting home, the whole world already knew about the tragedy. During breaks, the central television channels, competing with each other, savored the details of how the idol's mother slaughtered her husband. Many did not hesitate to build theories and openly argued that all this was a consequence of the star's passion for the occult. Mostly, religious organizations succeeded in this, seeing in the clips and the image of the girl certain symbols, according to them, of a satanic nature. The waxen-faced bodyguard walked forward, pushing aside the screaming reporters. The guitarist covered Aurora from the camera flashes with his broad chest.

"Aurora! Tell me what happened? How are you feeling?" - Representatives of the press, who do not know tact and respect, voted; everyone wanted to receive the award, but this time they did not succeed. Bielke, with the help of Larsson, climbed into a pre-prepared car and Arnold quickly drove them away. The girl took off her glasses, behind which she hid her tear-stained eyes, tears were now flowing down her cheeks, Lirrik held out a clean handkerchief.

"Thank you." - She mumbled. The news of what happened shocked her so much that the girl could not speak clearly for almost an hour; she did not understand how this could happen, why did her mother kill her father? After all, everything has been good, quiet and peaceful lately. The companions were as gloomy as the singer. Rupert canceled all performances for the next three months, all single recordings and other work, in this state Bielke was only able to cry. Gustav himself arrived at his friend's room, a couple of hours after she found out about what had happened, and until the flight he slept on the sofa in the living room, brought her water, food to bed where she wet the pillow with her tears and calmed her down as best he could. Aurora decided to go straight from the road to the morgue where her father's body was located; as she knew, the investigator on this case had already arrived there. Victoria was temporarily in a special clinic under guard until a medical commission determined her condition and then either a closed psychiatric hospital or prison. The girl didn't want to go to her parents' house yet. The downpour did not stop, the car parked at the rear entrance of the hospital, a man in civilian clothes was waiting next to him, he took cover under a canopy from the streams of water irrigating the ground. Even at the entrance, Bielke realized that he was the investigator with whom Lirrik spoke on the phone. Gustav and Arnold were about to go out with Aurora, but she insisted.

"Stay in the car. Ask! I am grateful to you, thank you! But I want to go there alone." - The girl patted Larsson on the shoulder and looked into the faces of Rupert and the bodyguard, the latter nodded silently, and Lyrrik said.

"I have to talk to the investigator, I'm sorry, but this is all for your own good, as your representative and the person leading all yours..." The singer did not let him finish.

"Okay Rup! Will you come with me." She looked pleadingly into Larsson's eyes, he was silent, but from his appearance it was clear that the man wanted to be close to her and was very worried about her.

"I can handle." - The girl whispered with only her lips to the guitarist. He looked away, as if agreeing. The manager climbed out into the torrential downpour, he cowered and made a displeased expression on his face when the icy streams hit his collar and wet his head. He, helpfully sacrificing his comfort, opened the door to Bielke and, opening his umbrella, covered it from the crying sky. They walked to the service entrance of the hospital. The man who was waiting for them had just finished smoking his cigarette and, having put it out, threw it into a trash barrel that was nearby, he looked seriously at Aurora.

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