Chapter 34. Morning Star

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There is darkness, silence and nothing else around. Aurora realized she was floating in a space without floor, walls or ceiling. "Who am I? Where I am?" – Thoughts were clumsy, arising and extinguishing like sparks from a fire. The girl did not remember when she regained consciousness or how long she had been without him. A bright, eye-burning light burst into the darkness, and she understood everything. Remembering how Gustav turned her off with some technique from Eastern practices, as if he was not a guitarist, but a martial artist or a ninja. Bielke was lying on a bed in a white room in which there was nothing except bare walls, her bed and a tiny toilet. The thick iron door was closed, and the lamps built into the ceiling were burning. Silence,  couldn't even hear the lights working, nothing, just the beating of her own heart and breathing. The singer looked around and stood up. She was dressed in white pajamas like some kind of patient.

"What's happening?" – Aurora carefully walked around the small room, her head was spinning, she tried to open the door, but of course it was locked. "There were people of the Morning Star there, maybe they had me? What the heck?" - She thought, walking from corner to corner. A creaking metallic voice came from a hidden speaker.

"Aurora, please lie down on the bed, the staff will come to you, if you refuse to comply with our conditions and recommendations, then we will put you to sleep with gas and still do what we must." - Bielke tried to detect the device from which the stranger spoke and most likely a video camera, otherwise how would they know that she lay down on the bed.

"Who you are?! Let me go!? You have no right! I'm a famous person! They will look for me!" The singer started screaming at the ceiling. She feet were frozen, the marble floor was terribly cold. The girl wanted to burst into tears, but she restrained herself by gritting her teeth and lay down on the bed. She had no doubt that the stranger was not joking about the gas; she was famously kidnapped with the participation of close people whom she trusted as herself. "One hundred percent Schlözer and his corporation, they could pull it all off, send Larsson and Arnold, and possibly Lirrik along with them. Why do they need all this? Why now?" – The brain was tense from thinking and wandering through the labyrinth of riddles. The door opened silently and two men in white overalls with a black symbol on the chest, a sun blocked by a crescent, the corporate sign, walked in. One of them was wheeling a wheelchair with strong armrests, to which straps were attached for the arms, and the same was for the legs. Aurora realized that they wanted to put her on a gurney and tie her up; this was frightening and did not suit her at all. She intended to jump up and try to sneak past Schlözer's employees, but they, as if realizing her intentions in advance, pulled out terribly crackling electric batons and placed them threateningly in front of them. A voice from the speaker said.

"Aurora, please, sit in a chair, our people will fix you and give you a tour, you are not in danger at the moment, if you resist they will use force and stun guns, this is not very pleasant."

"Freaks! Let me go!" - The girl screamed.

"Sit down in the chair!" – The voice became harsher. An electric charge flashed right next to Bielke's nose. She did not fight with two armed men in the depths of an unknown room, which was most likely full of guards, and obeyed the demands. Her lips trembled, tears still leaked out, no matter how the singer held on, the unknown frightened her. "They found out about my transformation, for sure! They found out that alcohol doesn't affect me and the wounds heal quickly, so Suki decided to experiment! Or maybe it's all their fault, they put it in my food, who knows what, they're testing their developments!" – Thoughts came one blacker than the other. The captive's arms were fixed, as were her legs, now, no matter how hard she wanted, she would not be able to escape or even stand up. The employee took her into the corridor. It was wide, sterile and white, the only thing that caught eye was a bright red stripe stretching all the way along the floor. There were dozens of open doors, the same chambers, cells, they were empty.

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