Chapter 32. The mouse is trapped

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Aurora had just begun to come to her senses, coming to terms with what had happened in her family, when she was told another piece of news: her mother had died. For more than two weeks, the girl did not leave the rented house, she drank like a professional alcoholic, gradually alcohol stopped taking her, she did not feel intoxicated even if she emptied three bottles of whiskey in one person. Gustav was always there, only once leaving for a couple of hours to buy groceries. Sometimes Lirrik would drop by to find out how things were going and immediately leave the depressive house. They started discussing Camilla's mysterious murder on TV. Bielke was not surprised, and was completely sure that Lucius was involved here, she was tired of all this. She was tired of Amber-Eyed's game; he did not appear and did not make himself known, but he did terrible and incomprehensible things to the one he called his friend. He allowed the death of her parents, thereby letting real darkness into the bright life of the girl, which he himself had built.

The murder of Ege was immediately linked to the singer, it is clear that this was not done by the police, there was zero evidence, but amateur theorists and those who adore various conspiracies picked up the wave and, riding its crest, spread rumors that Aurora is generally the head of a cult named after herself and so sacrifices all those undesirable or those who reveal the truth about her to people. After a massive uproar, all the singer's commercials were taken off the air, her videos stopped playing, and some of the soundtracks she had written for upcoming films were replaced. No one wanted to take risks, everyone tried to turn away from the golden doe that had been feeding their wallets with gold for nineteen years. No one needed a benefactress who fell into the trap of the hunters. A career from scratch was dealt a serious blow, everything that Bielke had built, millions of fans and respect all over the world, turned out to be so fragile and crumbled into dust before our eyes. Of course, Rupert, by adding gray to his few hairs on his head, tried to solve the problem. The Morning Star Corporation was also doing something, and in the future there were chances to get out. Aurora herself didn't really want to, she just didn't know why? She had no family, no husband and children, no relatives except Gustav and, at a stretch, Lirrik, too.

Larsson was perfect, but seemed too distant. Life seemed empty, a large number of songs and music had already been written, and they will remain with people forever as long as humanity exists, everything that Bielke wanted to tell her listeners she had already said and she did not know where to go next. October began, the singer's favorite season did not disappoint and filled the world with the colors of withering. She did not attend her parents' funeral, many media personalities condemned her for this, not realizing that after what happened the girl simply could not do this, she did not find the strength to accept what happened and say goodbye to her family. Aurora decided to get out, Arnold disappeared completely and did not answer calls, so the cute guitarist volunteered to be the driver. "My guardian angel." - started calling him Bielke to myself. She wanted to go to a children's hospital for especially critical patients, the poorest, simplest, maintained with public money. Where dying orphans and children from low-income families live out their last days, who reminded her of her own childhood. Rupert was already waiting outside the building of St. Anne's Hospital; he somehow found out that Aurora suddenly decided to visit here, the girl looked at Gustav with suspicion.

"Did you tell him?"

"No. He's just a level seventy wizard." - It seemed like Larsson was joking, but there was no smile on his lips. The old red brick building looked gloomy; already at the entrance to it  could feel that despair and death reigned behind the thick walls. Larsson stopped the car and got out, Rupert ran up to Aurora who was getting out of the car.

"What were you thinking?" The manager looked tired, his eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep.

"How did you know that I would come here?" - The girl answered the question with a question.

AURORA (Original Novel)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora